Tribute To Stephen Covey

News from Salt Lake City, Utah reported that Stephen R. Covey, author of "The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People" and three other books that sold millions of copies have died aged 79. He died from complications after a bicycle accident in April. He was knocked unconscious in the bike accident on a steep road. He suffered bleeding in his brain.

The 7 Habits was a #1 Best-seller. Never had I read something so empowering, remarkable, elegant, thoughtful and enlightening on family, relationships, values and communication. There is power and conviction, one of the most exceptional books I have ever read.
It is so good that everybody should have one so that you can read it over and over again and use if as a source of reference and more than that and most importantly to apply it for it will work wonders in your life because they were principle based.

For a quick reference, here they are and what I thought it's about:

Habit 1: Be Proactive (Principles of Personal Vision)

The first thing is to have personal responsibility, personal ownership since we have the freedom of choices and decisions. Herein lies the self awareness to make right choices, decisions and moves to be proactive in it all rather than be reactive.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind (Principles of Personal Leadership)

When you golf, they say you need to have a vision, how and where your ball will land for your next shot. The vision that leads you into the action. Like I used to say, what you think leads to what you will say and finally do. Everybody  knows how to begin something but few know how to end. How will the closure be like? What would happened in the end? What are you going to do and how are you going to accomplish it? What are the personal values and principles?

Habit 3: Put First Things First (Principles of Personal Management)

Simple yet profound. What is the order of importance in your life? What is important may not be urgent and what is urgent may not be important. Deal with the important first. Your crisis and pressing problems.

Habit 4: Think Win Win (Principles of Interpersonal Leadership)

No one can achieve anything on their own. If you only have benefits to yourself, you can't win for it won't last. If everyone agrees and share the same vision and rewards then you are all committed. To do that you need integrity.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand then to Be Understood (Principles of Emphatic Communication) 

God gave us two ears and one mouth so we should listen more and talk less. Listen, understand then communicate and provide solutions.

Habit 6: Synergize (Principles of Creative Cooperation)

Have a heart of compassion so that you can have an open mind as an open mind accepts new ideas and help build cooperation and trust.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (Principles of Balance Self-Renewal)

Sharpen yourself - mind, body and soul. Re-energize and rebuild. You will need exercise and nutrition, you have to read to open up your mind and get a balance.

Thank God for you! RIP Stephen Covey and thanks for the inspiration! It's an awesome read on the 7 Habits.

You owe it to yourself to get one, read and practise them. 


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