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Golf Digest Hotlist 2012 - Demo

Golf Digest is one of my favourites and at the top of my list for information on golf. They have a range of topics from coaching tips to humour and many others but their Hotlist for equipment takes the cake. They have the most comprehensive take therefore, the authority to give us what's new and what's good. From a wide range of handicappers to even scientists, they lay them out for our picks with crisp writing in an entertaining way. This was the third Golf Digest Hotlist Demo I was told and I got to attend this as a result of the home club NSRCC being the host and because I received an email notice and so I decided to join and I roped in two friends who love golf. It was my first time at the Golf Digest Hotlist Demo. The list of equipment for 2012 is quite exhaustive, so I pre-selected the clubs I thought were meaningful and we should try. I also wanted my friends' feedback. I certainly think that this should be organised more times like twice a year or even quart...