Love Of Learning
What have we learned? You may be a successful individual, organisation, group or country, you can even be very learned but truly what have we learned? We are never too old to learn and when we stop learning we stop living. There is so much to learn from one another and learn from others, everyday. So many new things to discover and learn. The exuberance of youth had been overtaken. The faster sports I used to play has slowed to a trickle to almost none. Lest I forgot how to, I started running since one and a half years ago and has not stopped. From a real struggle, I learned I could run again. This year I bested my personal best time since I grew to a certain age three times with 15.5 minutes for a 2.4km run two weeks ago. Nothing great I would say and my marathoner and triathlete friends may laugh but I face two challenges every time. Whenever I look at the bed, the sofa and the air-conditioner, I feel silly not to just use my instinct to plonk do...