
Showing posts with the label Game Improvement

Best Golf Clubs Of 2010 Part 2 - Irons

Irons are the bread and butter clubs. They used to give you 3-9, PW and SW. With the advent of the hybrid the longer irons like the 3 & 4 are more or less obsolete in some cases. If you walk in to a golf shop today you will easily find combo golf clubs in a bag. Usually they now come with the 3 & 4 in hybrids instead of traditional irons. This normally happens in the "Super Game Improvement" category. Meanwhile, some low handicappers prefer sharp looking more playable irons with less directional help which are less forgiving and found in blade like irons with little or no cavity behind or in forged irons (called Players' irons). Other single digit players may still prefer friendlier ones. Irons that are in between are the Game Improvement types which are mostly used. It is most important that you are equipped with the right set of irons which when fitted well with your game is likely to last for quite some time. I...

Strike While The Irons Are Hot!

It will not be complete without this. A friend working abroad requested this but it took sometime coming. Apologies... Some folks wonder if I really wrote all these things as an old well-meaning friend enquired. He may be thinking that I copied and paste them from some magazines. Haha. That, besides being illegal will be lacking in class and style. I do read a lot of these stuffs some years back from magazines but much of these are telling you what the manufactures are marketing. Through my personal experience in playing, testing and buying equipment, I have learned much (imagine emoticon of $$$ flying...) because I have many questions unanswered and was flabbergasted. I sat under different trees and nothing happened except a few ant bites. At least Newton got an apple, life is not fair I would be thinking. What if it were a durian? I cringed and so after meditating at the mountains under a tree, I felt the time was ripe to come out before the durian drops to digest and decipher...