
Showing posts with the label Duxton Plain Park

Duxton Plain Park

In the Little Red Dot, there exist many green patches everywhere even in the heart of town. They may not be on acres of land but you will realise that for a concrete jungle, we are not too bad if you take the time to observe and appreciate the green lungs around. We are so neat and orderly that even patches of green grass are so organised and dare not grow out of line, else you will be trimmed. How many of you know that there is a wonderful little park in town to be precise at Yan Kit Road just behind Tanjong Pagar where just recently you got more people clamouring for the return of the Yan Kit Road swimming pool, one of two local ancient pools the other being River Valley. Because my cousins' family once lived at North Boat Quay, I used to visit River Valley swimming pool sometimes and it was closed to the National Theatre and Van Cleef Aquarium. You could actually run down the hilly slope and jump into the pool. This is Yan Kit swimming pool today, an e...