Inner Peace 6 - Revenge of The Sieve
Forgiveness Our human heart and condition are built on unforgiveness. We are sensitive to many things and yet insensitive to others in everything. We only consider our own feelings because our soul residing inside of us could feel the pain when we hear or see something we do not like. It is funny when the other fellow has mud on his face but the fun is different when the mud is on yours. Isn't it true that we offend without even knowing or bother to be careful and feel offended by something that is not even there. We never remembered when we hurt others, try counting and you wouldn't even recall. Now try to remember who has offended you - Wow!! The names pour out like an internet search with pages of contents. Some of you may even keep a black book to blacklist people. Some organisations has managers who keep a record of wrong doings. How does a staff feel good when it felt like someone is watching to catch you making mistakes or take a wrong step? What about t...