
Showing posts with the label Muah Chee

Endangered Species - Food

Venezuela, Dominica, Lebanon, New Caledonia and Guatemala visited my blog to cross the century mark, with Guatemala being the 104 country to have done so. Maybe I should do it like Changi Airport and sponsor some Venezuela Miss World to Singapore since they were the 100th country to have done so. I used to save money to buy an Apple Song Book for 101 songs as a teenager. Today an iPod is usually given to the youngsters and it could carry thousands of songs in it. The irony of life is often, as we progress, we actually regress. If you drop your cell phone into the sh*t hole while texting or tweeting your friends "shitting in office now" you won't even remember any number of your friends. When people ask for for phone number, I tell them "sorry, I won't know as I do not call myself". I have said it before, lots of good hawker food will all disappear in the next 5-10 years. It is not just gut feeling but I have actually spoken to real hawkers. The belo...