
Showing posts with the label Minds

The Simple Life

We always yearn for the good old days and whether you know it or not I think it is basically because the life was simple. You were considered fortunate when you lived in a flat and even for some a few families shared the same one. You may have ten people sharing a single toilet for every need. One television and only four channels and those who lived in kampungs do not even have basic amenities like water, lights and toilets. Today, we can fight over which channel to watch or which washroom to use even as each household may have a few TVs and at least two washrooms.  They make you pay and then give you 8-10 soccer matches at the same time. The music and songs are loud and crude, fast and full of angst without the same quality in lyrics or musicianship. In place of banana leaf and "opeh" leaf (the leaves of the opeh come from the leaf sheath of the betel nut palm (Areca catechu) which not only kept the food warm for longer period but made them tasty too) they give us Styrof...