
Showing posts with the label Alcohol Tolerance

Ethanol, Alcohol, Panadol, Paracetamol, Lol

Ever had a hangover? A splitting headache, nausea, lethargy and dehydration sets in and you have had it for the day. A result of festive celebrations or weekend gatherings. Sounds common isn't it. At that moment, many would vow never to do it again and then the next weekend or holiday comes along and here we go again. For others it could become a weekly or twice weekly affair or me. Why? The Legend of The Merlion Hangovers occur when the liver cannot process and get rid of excess toxins fast enough especially when we go "binge" drinking and such unpleasant symptoms of hangover can get worse when the ethanol present in alcohol becomes a dehydrating effect. Whenever you have alcohol, drink lots of water, mate. You will urinate more often due to this effect as dehydration can cause brain fluid to be reduced which leads to headaches, lethargy and a very dry mouth. The myth of our Merlion was to me not as interesting as the creature itself having stood as g...