
Showing posts with the label CNY Meals

What I Ate During CNY - Part II

Long long time ago, on the second day of the Lunar New Year, a baby was born. His mother would have thought of him as being rebellious. Why on such a day? If anything is a gift from God, you do not do the choosing. Many moons later, it all came together - almost. After celebrating my birthday on the second day of the Lunar New Year, I got to celebrate again on the seventh day of CNY too and then some.  A few people got confused when they saw others wishing me a happy birthday because the seventh day of the Lunar New Year is 人 日 (ren ri) or "yan yat" in Cantonese which well is every body's birthday. They thought it was a joke but it was my birthday completing yet another year of wisdom intake. Ancient Chinese understood "creation" and so they celebrated 人 日 literally translated means human's day. Let me quote Genesis 1: 24-31 - 24  And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures  according to their kinds:  the livestock, the creatures that mo...