
Showing posts with the label Compromise


A friend is somebody who "trusts" and is "fond of" another. Somebody who "thinks well of" and who is on good terms with somebody else. "An ally, someone who is not an enemy." A "defender or supporter of a cause, group or principle". If you want to have friends, you must first be a friend by developing a genuine interest in people and certainly not in looking for what they can do for you. This is if you want true friendship. Friendship is really about giving without expecting anything in return. If you call on friends only when you need something, you will soon be without friends. What Kind Of Friend Are You? Are you the type who shows consideration for others? Are you generous? Do you give of your time freely and are you a kind person? Or do you take people for granted? Do you ask but never gave? Do you take time to stay in touch? Do you give freely? Why? Because birds of a feather flock together and they will be what you mak...