Victoria School
Victoria School in Singapore, There are other schools we know. Victoria School is something more, The school that watch'd us grow. For here we've learnt and striven too, And played the sportsman's game. Victoria School we give to you, The honour that you claim. Victoria thy sons are we, And we will not forget. Victoria thy triumphs see, And victories we share yet. For others came before and went, And carried to the world. Victoria's flame and our intent to Keep her flag unfurled. That's the school song above which I have fondly remembered. The khaki shorts, red badge and motto: Nil Sine Labor which means nothing without work. I have made many friends here through different involvements in school activities. It was here where my passion for soccer was stirred. The school would close when our A, B, or C team entered a final played at the Jalan Besar stadium next door. I remembered vividly the A team's 2-2 draw with SJI where the Ho Kwang Hock inspired VS te...