
Showing posts with the label Which Side Do You Drive

Which Side Are You On? Why Don't We Drive On The Same Side?

Why do different countries drive on different sides of the road and have cars with either left hand rive or right hand drive? Since China has 5,000 years of history perhaps it all started from there? No? The Chinese Bureaucracy Book of Rites mentioned "the right side of the road for men, the left for women and the centre for carriages" more for protocol. Romans were said to have driven on the left. They used to transport stones to build Roman Temples and carts went in the quarry empty but came out laden and that casued one side of the road to be sunken and so it was determined they drove on the left. By the Middle Ages, they use the English system of keeping to the left just in case you meet bad strangers so that you could draw your sword at them when they past on your right. Some argued that the Pope of olden days ordered pilgrims to keep to one side of the road when entering Rome as a sort of traffic control. American and French farmers hauled their farm pro...