
Showing posts with the label CD

Discover Music, Discover Narada

Advent of CD When CD was first introduced they cost more than $30 a piece. Philips came out with the CD player but it was Sony who marketed it successfully. Most of us were lost in transition. The innocent low cost cassette tapes and to some extend the vinyls were going the way of the dinosaurs. There were umpteen times they got entangled in the cassette players and the worse was when they were in the car. Otherwise, they get moldy. Meantime, those who swear by vinyls are not wrong but dirt gets trapped too easily and the inconvenience of changing stylus. CDs offer the best of several worlds - doesn't get entangled, if it gets moldy it could be easily cleansed. However, not many folks know that CDs doesn't produce the best sound at first just like DVDs won't give you the best sound and pictures as opposed to LDs. Overtime, CDs became more affordable so having lost most of my treasured songs and music, I have to seek those songs, singers and bands that I found spec...

Music Is Life

My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary. - Martin Luther. At the different stages of your life, you are bound to be captivated by some moments of nolstagia, a special moment, a "Massa" moment, an embarassing moment, a time when you were in love, anger, happy, sad, winning, losing or simply just in pensive mood. You whipped out your photo albums and started to go through the pictures and fond memories filled all your thoughts. Your eyes may all well up as you walk down memory lane and haven't you noticed that in all those old pix, the standard pose was one where everyone stood ramrock straight. I still have very old black and white pictures of my grandparents and their children a couple that of my parents and my siblings which by now are classics and are priceless. Now what is missing here? Music my friends. Music and songs to define those moments. Rhythm of The Falling Rain, Knoc...