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David & Goliath

David and Goliath - Faith, Confidence and Distances I grew up reading fairy tales and buried myself with these mystical books of dragons and dungeons, evil crooks and beautiful Princesses borrowed from the National Library. The Prince on white horse always gets to kiss the Princess, save her life and got her hand in marriage. And yes, they lived happily ever after. Looking back, it was kind of cheesy and I soon found out that life is not a bed of roses. The evil witches and baddies in Snow White and the likes actually looked lame in comparison to real life. T here were also those from Aesop's fables and others from Hans Christian Anderson which have a moral in each story. I would also try to get hold of every Enid Blyton books on The Five Find Outers and the Famous Five buying it for $2 and returning it to redeem a dollar at the old Paramount at Serangoon Gardens. Singapore was too dry, too real and too in your face, too humdrum for such adventures you find in these books. ...