Mother's Day
Mother's day is here again. What is the significance of this day? I have often told people that only your mother would love your ugly face and I wasn't joking. Like it or not you will always be linked closely to your mother because at a critical time of your life, you were connected by the umbilical cord. All mothers are great. Well, ok not all but most. I have no intention to reinvent the wheel. So allow me to share the link of my previous articles: . There are a few articles here which I hope you will read and enjoy. I shall now bestow upon all mothers with some simple honour: If you are a mother, let's celebrate motherhood as we thank God for mothers. If you are a mother who may have lost a child, suffered a miscarriage or a child who may have run away, you are not alone. We all will mourn with you. If you are a mother whose children may have shouted or raise their voice or anger at you, forg...