Mother's Day

Mother's day is here again. What is the significance of this day? I have often told people that only your mother would love your ugly face and I wasn't joking. Like it or not you will always be linked closely to your mother because at a critical time of your life, you were connected by the umbilical cord. 

All mothers are great. Well, ok not all but most. I have no intention to reinvent the wheel. So allow me to share the link of my previous articles: There  are a few articles here which I hope you will read and enjoy.

I shall now bestow upon all mothers with some simple honour:

If you are a mother, let's celebrate motherhood as we thank God for mothers. 

If you are a mother who may have lost a child, suffered a miscarriage or a child who may have run away, you are not alone. We all will mourn with you.

If you are a  mother whose children may have shouted or raise their voice or anger at you, forgive everyone of us. It is when the children are older, wiser or become parents themselves that they will finally understand. Take heart, the children do not mean it.

If you are a mother caring for others and not just your own family such as teachers, doctors, nurses not just physically but also spiritually, the whole world need more of you.

If you are a mother who have very good and warm relationships with the family - the spouse and children, we appreciate you. If you do not, we pray for you.

To all mothers who suffer birth pain because of your love for us, going through birth, medical, back pains and stretching every sinew,  testing every bit of you - the world cannot exist without you for every child was born because of you. Your love is unconditional and you love us before you have even seen us.

If you are an expectant mother, we share your joy and anticipation. Smell the baby's head for the miracle of God's creation. 

If you are not a mother yet, do not give up.

If you are a home-maker mother doing a thankless job, no pay, no leave, no MC, we understand. Your choice shall be rewarded one day. 

While all mothers will one day face an empty nest as the children start their own chapter in life, we feel and also celebrate with you for you have fulfilled your God-given duties.

For those whose mothers have gone to a better place, we can only grieve together but she must have left a lasting impression and legacy for you.

It is Mother's Day this week. Mothers are really tough warriors. They have taken the greatest pain just to have you. They must not be forgotten. We must remember you.

Any woman can be a mother but it takes a special person to be mum. Mums for life! Cheers!


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