Story Telling
Two friends were on their way to meet me and they spoke about me. When they finally met me, they said they both spoke about the same thing while on their way - that I write faster than they could read. I am sure they meant it as a compliment. Then a few others said that when I get philosophical, I could save the earth or the human race (this is to tickle me), others were worried if I got too stress writing. Yet many others would tell me or write to encourage me to keep on. They said it is always very interesting and informative and enjoyed reading articles in my blog. Several others said that they should have known me earlier. It is not too late. There are a lot of things we can all do together. We need to share stories. The truth is I enjoy writing and I find it therapeutic and it is a way for me to de-stress. It is also a great way to connect and I make people happy. In fact, I have been encouraging many to write or be my guest writers. Whatever I write, the topics tha...