
Showing posts with the label Darth Vader


Competition can bring out the best in products but also the worst in people. Bertrand Russell said: "Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim". Competition is defined as rivalry for supremacy or a prize. A contest for honour or to gain an advantage. There is a victor and a loser not necessary resulting in the destruction of the other. A struggle. The Competitive World Competition is serious business. When we were young our parents told us that if we do not study hard, we will be carrying night soil. To the uninitiated, night soil is in plain-speak "shit" in buckets normally carried by uneducated people in the old days when there is no sanitary services available. They place new buckets for you and disposed your filled ones where they carry to the world's vehicle with the most doors - all 36 doors to be exact. So do not be too happy if the company wanted to give you a car with 36 doors. Nations today are compet...