
Showing posts with the label Guitar

How To Buy An Electric Guitar

An old buddy has requested me to post a topic on "how to buy an electric guitar". To tell you the truth, I have never bought one but what the heck, buying anything is the same. All we need is not just some cash but a little imagination helps. How To Buy An Electric Guitar What's a good guitar? A good guitar is the one that suits the budget. Right? If money is no object then you have no problem going for what the pros are using. Otherwise, if we travel on budget airlines, plays off budget golf equipments, drive a budget car and eat budget economic rice we may also choose to do so with a budget electric guitar. Its still makes some sound. The big boys always make a wide range of products from the simplest budget type to the highest range just like how Toyota and GM would make them and when it comes to guitars, look no further than Squier (by Fender) and Ibanez. They would in all probability just replicate the designs by using cheaper materials thus saving costs and gi...