Victoria School

Victoria School in Singapore, There are other schools we know.
Victoria School is something more, The school that watch'd us grow. For here we've learnt and striven too, And played the sportsman's game. Victoria School we give to you, The honour that you claim. Victoria thy sons are we, And we will not forget. Victoria thy triumphs see, And victories we share yet. For others came before and went, And carried to the world. Victoria's flame and our intent to Keep her flag unfurled.

That's the school song above which I have fondly remembered.The khaki shorts, red badge and motto: Nil Sine Labor which means nothing without work. I have made many friends here through different involvements in school activities. It was here where my passion for soccer was stirred. The school would close when our A, B, or C team entered a final played at the Jalan Besar stadium next door. I remembered vividly the A team's 2-2 draw with SJI where the Ho Kwang Hock inspired VS team scored a gem of a goal where Kwang Hock slalom his way past several defenders to score.

The rivalry among schools was intense and the crowd created a carnival like atmosphere at the terrace. Unfortunately such passionate fan support is not evident and replicated at the league or national level. Inter-school soccer games were played at the school pitch the the whole class would be looking out onto the pitch catching glances of the action instead of paying attention till the teacher ordered all door closed which dampened all the spirit. Even the teachers and classmates were soccer mad. I got very engrossed with British "Shoot!" magazines and have a pile of collection over the years. The national team under the late and legendary Uncle Choo would sometimes train at our VS ground when Jalan Besar was occupied and I would hang around to watch them train.
At that time Badminton was also very popular and when they built some open air courts just below our flat, it was a dream come true. we would play early on Saturday morning or Friday and Saturday evenings. It was at a time Indonesia's Rudy Hartono ruled the world. Denmark's Svend Pri was also a legend. I have watched Svend Pri played at our badminton hall and some of the stuff he dished out was unbelieveable.

Then there as Indonesia's doubles hero Tjun Tjun and of course the legend of our very own Wong Peng Soon. China finally alos unveiled their mysterious and legendary Hou Jia Chang and "The Thing" Tang Hsien Hu. Due to such sheer passion my game improved and I got into the school team. we have former Singapore player lee Ah Ngo's brother Seng Nam as our captain and there I met one of the most graceful and stylish badmintion player ever in an elder boy called Yip Kiam Fei. an absolute joy to watch. Although were were usually quite strong we could never match the boys from Maris Stella.
As I really like music I enlisted in the school band where we trained really hard to compete in the national schools championship outdoor marching band where we have usually named among the top ten. We formed a stage band too to perform and in my last year we came in the top three for the first time. In between, we participated at NDPs, Youth Festivals, etc. It was hard for me jostling between the band and badminton training so much so that both teachers-in-charge and some of the band members and badminton players must have thought that I have been skiving when I was absent whenever training schedule clashed.

Till this day, I have never explained to those who thought so. It is great to be misunderstood and better still if someday later vindicated. This was also at a time where some of us thought that someday we could be a rock star as many would learn to play the guitar and armed themselves with the Apple song book of 101 songs. Where long-haired people could be prosecuted as you may be thought as the bad influence of the hippie culture from the US of A. Little did they know that Rowell road was so nearby and could be a real bad influence up close.
Anyway, if you were Victorian, you may one day become President. Singapore has three Presidents who were Victorians and what does the probability tell you?


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