His Guruship - GuruGeoff

His guruship GuruGeoff is not an accredited guru but since when were gurus appointed?
Gurus do not get appointed, they only get disappointed. Anyway, nobody ever listens. Therefore, please do as he says and not do as he does.
While others graduated from NUS, he graduated from SNUSS (Sang Nila Utama Sec. Sch - haha, just kidding for there is no such education centre).
He actually graduated from the School of Hard Knocks (SOHK pronounced as Shiok) and the University of Life.
Gurus are often self-styled, eccentric, maverick, etc. They either dispense great wisdom or spout nonsense. Sometimes both and when done beautifully - nonsensical wisdom flows. They need not be hermits though and are culpable of downing a couple of brew.
GuruGeoff was a name given and conferred on him by some friends who thought that he seems to know everything, every #@%! thing! Knowing in a way that made the subjects and topics seem real and not like bullshit. Frankly, he does not deserve this title but then again he has allergic rhinitis sometimes and he does not deserve it either.
Guruship like relationship and friendship are important that is why he deals with all kinds of ships. Guru or Goondu, you decide. Who knows some day he might have all the answers and instead of writing to Dear Abby, you could be writing to him...Dear Guru...
You live in hope even if it were flickering. Always!
You live in hope even if it were flickering. Always!
I think. Therefore, I am.