Man and Woman

There were reports that suggested that a man's vocabulary consists of not more than 7,000 words a day while a woman's is about 24,000 words.
A typical guy who has an average day in the office may have used up half of his allocation or natural disposition at the end of each day. If he has a horrid day with many meetings thrown in, he could have possibly exhausted himself completely by lunch time. By the time he got home, it is possible that not a single word could come out of his mouth even by coaxing.Telling him about your new hairdo, asking him whether you look fat in that dress will probably draw a mild utterance of acknowledgement from him if you are lucky.
Meanwhile, the lady may have just consumed some 7,000 words for the day and left with another 17,000 unfinished business to let go.
This is not to say who is right or wrong but to keep remembering the nature of things and that you can still keep things in perspective and everything lovey dovey for one another.
Combine your forces at family gatherings or with groups of friends each using your own strength. Just remember that God made Adam and Eve at the beginning not Adam and Steve.
But there are also guys with huge vocab and words and who likes to babble. These people may have an extra X chromosome in their system hence XXY type which gets you dangerously close to the Adam and Steve situation. They suffer from verbal diarrhoea. Avoid it.
Meantime, keep the fire burning!


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