OVA - Kampung Breakfast

Weekends are lazy affairs and I like it that way. Life cannot be all work for the undead right? Otherwise, we might as well just cross the realms into our final destiny. Yet destiny is about time and space. In Singapore, we have little space and not much time. It takes a whole lot of effort to just go and do something else. Getting your bum off the sack can be a hard thing to do yet through others' persistence, you have to oblige at times.

So I had to wake up early and freshen up so that old friends do not think I am from the twenties - of year not age. I have been invited to the OVA Kampung Breakfast many times but this was the very first time I did it. So I headed east to VJC and as I was early, there were plenty of space to park. This was the first sight that grabbed my attention. This is Victoria's secret - no lingerie, sorry, just good old Roti Prata. 

Although I have seen it done so many times since young, it never failed to amaze me how these guys went about brazenly kneading and tossing the dough turning it into something so simply delicious.

These guys are so highly skilled that they with dexterity of hands can hold you, spin you around, knead and toss you around, flatten you and then give you a final clenching slap with both hands and you will end up looking like that...(see next picture).

A good prata kosong should look like this.

The curry comes in all three flavours of Fish, Chicken and Mutton.

And if  you like them with egg.

I love my prata "kosong" (plain).

And with lots of curry too.

I saw a Masaleh (Caucasian) with his son intrigued by the skills of the prata man and it caught my attention as I saw little ones dressed up in Arsenal jerseys.

These tents displayed their trophies.

It is the JSSL Arsenal Soccer Schools where VJC is their home.

The little ones trained at a very young age.

Singapore's Premier Youth Soccer School and League.

Some day we may get some Arsenal greats from here!

Or even younger.

All these time here, I have been gazing at the tree houses with wooden stairs and linked bridges. Schools today are fortunate to have the space and facilities. Today's students should be thankful.

A tree house was something I always wanted as a kid reading from Enid Blyton's books. I used to climb trees too so it is natural. With the prices of properties sky high, this concept is clearly a very good option and we do have lots of trees. Just don't discharge your waste like the birds do. There are cars below you know.

Trees that are deep-rooted can withstand the strongest winds. The stronger the wind the greater the oak. It is the same how we stay rooted as humans to our country, society, family, friends, the school community and even old school boys. I have written about Roots previously: http://gforce-guru.blogspot.sg/2010/08/roots.html

Look at how tall it stretches. You don't need to go to Marina Bay for this is to me a Super Tree! I am sure they actually built the school around it to accommodate it. The canopy lets you know the difference between heaven and hell.

It is of great significance to have good and strong roots. True friendship and relationship is founded on strong roots and foundation. Those that are not are out of convenience and just skimming the surface and below it all rotten.

The queue got longer as the morning grew older. The early bird catches the worm but the early worm got eaten by the birds.

I met an old buddy Ken Loy who has been so active.

He spotted a T-shirt with a famous quote from an old boy, Emeritus Professor Edwin Thumboo: ....."because we never really left."

And of course the man at the helm of the OVA, Mr. Tan Jee Ming.

Also Mr. Lim Eng Chong, with his amazing energy and always giving so much in a heart beat.

Muthu Krishnan who is often involved and committed because I often saw him at events, even at kid's soccer matches.

I had forgotten to have a shot taken with Mr. Chan Joo Peng as Joo Peng has always been present and ever so dedicated and working tirelessly. Here he is.

I was having loads of fun and time quickly lost its grip, I had to reluctantly leave. I was hoping to meet more people. We shall meet again and I never really left. Just hope to see more of you guys the next time and each time. Sign up for the OVA bro. Go to http://blog.ova.org.sg/

From the Traditionalists (1922-1945), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Gen X (1965-1980) and Gen Y (1981-2000), this is like building a bridge that connects. Bridges of friendship. I leave you two articles I wrote about bridges previously for you to ponder.

Nil Sine Labore, Nothing Without Labor.
I would like to give a standing OVA-tion to those who laboured and make things happen!

Yours Truly,

The worst student formerly from Victoria.


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