Friday The 13th

Today is Friday the 13th. Many people have phobia about this date because they think bad things will happen. Besides, the have made horror movies about it. It started because Westerners considered it bad luck. Friday and the number 13 are considered unlucky so it is a double whammy.

In numerology 12 is considered completeness hence 12 months in a year, 12 successors of Muhammad, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. Superstition persisted because some felt that 13 people seated at a dining table will result in the death of one since the Last Supper, Jesus plus 12 disciples = 13 departing from gospel truth.  

In some places, their hotels, apartments and buildings never had the 13th floor. Well, they simply called it 12th or 14th. It is not necessary that they believed or subscribed to it but it sure makes business sense.

Yet to each his own simply because some folks may feel they are lucky with Fridays and the number 13. A few actually paid good money to bid for the number 13 for their vehicle or search for a house number like that. One man's meat is another man's poison.

What about you? A bad day is simply a bad day regardless of it being a Friday or not and whether it is on the 13th or not. If three good things and one bad thing happened to you on a Friday which happens to be the 13th, you will only remember that one bad thing.

Finally, would you prefer Monday the 28th (other than if it is your pay day) or Friday the 13th? Give me Fridays anytime. Only Robinson Crusoe got everything done by Friday. No more fears.

For the rest of us, it is TGIF!!! Cheers!


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