Self Control

We spoke about values - kindness,humility, honesty, empathy, courage, etc. It is time to discuss self control. 

Let me share with you a proverb in Singlish: "Where got fish cat don't eat one?" Then allow me to refer you to a previous article I wrote which is in some way related:

I am sure you have been following the sex scandal that erupted recently due to the high profile nature of the people involved, a very young prostitute and the carnage that will follow. This kind of things happened everywhere and yet it kept repeating itself. It is the same with people who abused their domestic workers. You read the stories in the papers and then one day you are involved.

There are actually a few simple truths to prevent ourselves falling into these traps of life. No.1. Acknowledge that we humans are fallible - from prince to pauper. No.2, There is no secret in this world no matter how discreet or scheming you are - wikileaks has proven it, a man was having his tryst at Hotel New World, a haven for sure then it suddenly collapsed. His life changed forever I am sure. I think in these few months and weeks, a large number of people have lost their jobs, dignity and worst of all even possibly their family. The young lady cannot escape responsibility. No.3, Do not pursue and succeed or have interest in only one thing. Pursue life's interest freely and passionately but exercise self-control and know where to draw the line. No.4, always beware what you do especially when on one is watching. Do things as if everyone is watching all the time so you will be the same person all the time.

For the kind of money paid each time, I could get an excellent golf driver for less. When you feel you lack self-control, take a cold shower. Pick up golf or have that beer. Sex is after all a biological need. Doctors said it is good. God created sex but man exploited it for his own pleasure.

Man can be insatiable in anything. Maybe the wife is tired. Maybe you thought nobody will know. Maybe you justify to yourself, it is alright, I am not harming anyone am I? Just remember that there are always two voices in your head - one good and the other evil. Evil can be subtle. Have you met or dealt with evil people before? Banish that wrong thought immediately when it comes into your mind and not allow it to take root and fester. It will save you.

Humans are creatures of habit. We began by making those habits and then in the end the habits make us. It begins in your mind as thoughts and then your thoughts became words which became action. Your actions become habits and habits character. The most powerful person is one who in himself has his own power.

There is a scientific study on criminal minds that suggested that individuals that were insufficiently parented before the age of ten develop less self control compared to others raised with better parenting. Low levels of self control give rise to crime of impulsive conduct. This was a theory of Travis Hirschi but it can be controversial. So what really is self control? 


I am indeed a king, because I know how to rule myself - Pietro Aretino.

You cannot control what happens to you but you can control your attitude towards what happens to you - Brian Tracy.

When the fight begins within himself, a man is worth something-  Robert Browning.

Self command is the main elegance - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

A man who master his own soul will forever be called conquerors of conquerors - Plautus.

I will write of him who fights and vanquishes his sins, who struggles on through weary years against himself and wins - Caroline Begelow LeRow.

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls - Bible.

The cyclone derives its power from a calm centre. So does a person - Norman Vincent Peale.

Temptations come, as a general rule, when they are sought - Margaret Oliphant.

It is a man's ow mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways - Buddha.

Blessed is the man that endureth temptations: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life - James 1: 12.

The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself - Oscar Wilde.

Most people like to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch - Robert Orben.

Man is so muddled, so dependant on the things immediately before his eyes, that everyday even the most submissive believer can be ssen to risk the torments of the afterlife for the smallest pleasure - Jospeh De Maistre.

We need to always look into our own hearts to understand how self-control and happiness are so intimately inseparable. Man's blind prejudice and act of deception are prevalent everywhere. When will we have enough? Enough of everything and anything. Are you slim enough, rich enough or successful enough? Self-respect teaches us to have enough. Are we pushing ourselves too hard at times creating too much stress? And before we could govern others we must be master of ourselves.

We can resist anything except temptation. We can't win. Even those who may initially flee from temptation, they actually leave behind a forwarding address. The only way is to accept the truth of our human weaknesses and lack of self control such that a wrong killer move could destroy your life, the current and future life and not just the afterlife in case you do not have a long term plan.  

It is the same when I talked to people and they say they do not drink because for some when they drink they won't stop. My friends, life's temptation is everywhere and at every corner, danger lurks. It is an equal and level playing field and you and I are subjected to the same temptations and dangers. Before talking about getting our names in the Book of Life in Heaven, I think you and I deserve "not to be in some unlawful name list" of the authorities in this current life at first. Your family deserves it.

Whatever ways you find, just flee from temptation. The Devil is waiting. The Devil is saying "how may I help you, God is busy" Muahahahahaha! Even the great Samson fell when he revealed the secret of his strength on his hair. How did he fall? Delilah. De-li-lah. (say it in a low sexy tone if you know what I mean). De-li-lah, ni lai le. Dead. (Samson and Delilah)


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