Golf Tournament

Amateurs, social golfers, golf enthusiasts and weekend hackers all love to join a golf tournament. There used to be many fund-raising and charity golf events previously and often, especially the charity golf they were for very good causes and I think charity golf is a good way to raise funds.

It seems that due to the frequency of economic recessions, there have been a dearth of such events but those who still painstaking organise golf competitions are to be lauded because it takes tremendous resources and energy to put one together.

In Singapore, the weather is so unpredictable that it can be a killjoy. You know you are not going to win that hole-in-one but boldly proclaiming the prize and showing you a car do make many people drool at the prospects. In the last event, somebody big upstairs even played a cruel joke on us just as we arrived at the hole-in-one tee box. The siren sounded, we returned to base, sat and drink beer but there was no rain but lightning threat. It ended that way.

This time as usual, there was the same excitement. It is a good place to meet many friends including those who came from overseas.

It was a beautiful but very hot day! We Singaporeans are a spoilt lot. When it rains, we complain much. When it is too hot, we will also make a lot of noise. We are perfectionists. They should build a golf course like an indoor stadium, really.

Novelty prizes like nearest to the line, nearest to the pin or the longest drive are always there but there are so many good golfers participating with the nearest to the pin so near and the longest drive at almost 300 yards!

You can see the sun right up there and you can imagine how it was like out there.

You are like dying in a desert and they put traps of sand and water to drain more of your energy but it was a beautiful day and we have good company. A bad golf day they say is better than a good working day.

You can see the World Classic from the Laguna Masters.

I have no interest in the hole-in-one so I sacrificed and left it for the others since COE prices are so high.

The stage was set as usual after the showers and clearing of bags.

A night of food, drinks, performances and prize  giving awaited us.

By the way, the laksa was wonderful.

An interesting escape artist performing. A kidnapper's nightmare!

An even more interesting belly dancing session puts all in awe. It is a very good but tough exercise I guess. Some turned their chairs away facing the stage and stopped talking to me completely ignoring me until the performance ended.

It was a belly good performance. Please do not try this at home or without supervision as you may end up with your heart and tummy exchanging position.

They came down from stage to dance with the audience for those who were sporting or interested. I was surprised there were not many takers. May be there was a question mark on age? 17-year olds? Run for cover. Hello, it is not illegal to dance.

A cheque from the host was presented to a charity as usual.

The thing that was probably most exciting for all was the usual lucky draw.

And to the guys that made my day, thanks a million!

Did I win anything? I don't wanna talk.....The Winner Takes It All!

Prizes or not, I'm still waiting for that elusive hole-in-one.


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