Post Christmas Awakening

How much exercise can one do as oppose to how much we eat? Never enough to be able to catch up with eating. Some of us may not like to waste food so you polish up whatever's left over. Bad mistake. Many tend to overeat because they were hungry. Others because they are just greedy. The right way is to finish with eating and wait ten minutes so that data to your old CPU is duly processed before knowing if you have had enough.

Food remains one of the world's most poorly distributed essentials for basic human survival. Yet for many in this world we just partake, burp or fart and go on with our routine life. But it is better to burp and taste it then to fart and waste it.

I do not eat a lot and tend to apply the three quarter tank rule so 80% of what we think we need is enough. I do not feel guilty after eating but just so very lazy. All pythons that just swallowed a goat would feel the same way. On Sunday night on the way home, I saw a couple of police cars near my home, I thought it was some routine road block but when I got nearer, I saw that there was a huge monitor lizard which must just have a huge meal and sprawled on the second lane of the road.

I am still doing my runs but I need alternatives and find other forms of exercise to sustain it. Running too much can hurt our poor old knees too. So I took my son's bike for a spin.

Soak in the atmosphere.

The fresh air and tranquillity. Feel the peace that despite its ugliness, it is still a beautiful world. 

Violet periwinkles are everywhere. Remember the song...pretty flowers everywhere, think of me and I'll be there. We have joy, we have fun, we have seasons in the sun...

A river runs through it. They should release fishes into it and allow sports fishing.

I have been searching for a bike but the prices of good and branded ones are killing me softly just like the vehicle COE. Maybe I should just dump the car and make do with a bike.

I pondered. Happy that we have made it through the year regardless of the rough patches. Turn the rough patches into pavements for our continued journey of life. Mindful that we do not miss the forest for the trees. 

If we pedal, try and move, we will get there to the landmarks and milestones of life. Life is just like cycling. If we stop pedaling, we fall. 

Be nice along the way. Be sincere and even the flowers will smile at you. 

Once you have enjoyed fishing or at some point an angler your instinct will kick in. I saw this bird stalking for fish and making its catch patiently.

It wandered away when it sensed people around. I looked down and lo and behold - there was this huge "Haruan", a snakehead frolicking in the water. I wish I had a rod with me! I do not need to eat it, the challenge is always to land a fish. If you wish to eat fish go to the market to buy it.

I rode back to Punggol Park to enjoy the serenity. 

It was a great way to exercise and let your thoughts linger. More than that, I thank God that we humans are still at the top of the food chain. I am grateful. Are you?


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