I Want To Ride My Bicycle - Part 2

Continued.....from Part One...

We cycled and stop at some places to soak in the serenity and sense of the place. As always, I like to see things from different angles. So I went under a bridge and this was how it looked. I learned that whatever is past is gone, they are water under the bridge. Who knows I might catch a fish in the water? A blessing in disguise.

Or get a view between tall grass on what's on the other side. They say the grass is greener on the other side.

What lurks beneath when you see such waters? 

She flows out here in its own splendour. When you drink water, always remember the source.

What are these? Chili? Never seen this plant before. Maybe a cure for cancer? Don't believe me? One day the plant and insect world may come to our rescue. Watch "The Medicine Man":


This is why we have to protect and preserve nature, the ecosystem and our environment. There is design and purpose for our discovery. 

Pond-skaters. They never failed to fascinate me ever since I was a child fishing at some fishing ponds. They skid on water. I will worship The One who can walk on water but not those who use tricks and cunning.

There are Mayan Cichlids. The Mayans have been here? If not why are their fish here?

Heart-shaped leaves of plants. Even plants have hearts, so I won't understand people who don't or pretend to have. 

Wild plants basked in the sun and delight themselves. They are taken care of no matter what the weather is like.

An outcrop on the rocks. 

Wild plants survive on their own without a care in the world. They didn't bother if around them were taller trees or prettier plants and bigger leaves. Each plant have their own place and space on earth. We should all be like plants. Have our own space and place. Vegetarians murder thousands of plants each day in gruesome carnage. Okay I am just kidding. I like vegetarian food too.

A beautiful river to explore. Imagine rowing a boat through it. 

A bridge cuts across it. A bridge connects places and people and builds friendship. It is an extension of friendly relations.

Even if you are the "touch-me-not" mimosa that closed when touched and pricks people with your thorns, you need friends. Maybe they wanted to trample on you to watch you close. Still they look lovely until you find them on soccer pitches.

A bridge like friendship or any relationship must be built on solid foundation and mutual respect. Make-shift bridges like cheap friendship of convenience collapses at the slightest stress. 

False mutual adoration is the same. Make sure your relationships are all unwavering be it from current, other elements of water, heat or even rust. I love bridges so much I wrote a couple of articles previously (see below links).


(highlight link, right click and then click go to)

There are Peacock Basses.

A lovely fish no doubt.

Quite a monster.

Now you know what I mean. See the teeth inside it? It will suck you in and make sure you got stuck inside and can't escape. It's a big fish eats small fish world. MBBS - Mouth Big, Brain Small and I'm not talking about doctors. Haha. Just kidding.

Where are the bikes? Here they are. Mid-way back we found a good and nice place to chill out. 

Father and son bonding time, whenever time permits. How do we find time? Create time but every body has only 24 hours. Not a minute more not a minute less. God help us, well, at least to prioritise.

Isn't it such a lovely place sipping ice cold beer or whatever and watching the world go by with such a great back drop. Who had  the beer? Of course my drink was the 100 Plus! 

Sometimes, after a tiring bout of exercise or over beer, I do hallucinate and dream that this is my house with such a scenic backdrop and huge open spaces and I would have an open house inviting all of you over. From sunrise to sunset. From dusk till dawn. Keep dreaming. Dreamers are great.

Come join me for a ride.


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