What's Going On? Oh, Thief Of Hearts!

Some weeks back, I shared that I dropped my Blackberry into a bowl of porridge during dinner. Anyone ever tried Blackberry porridge before? 

Last Sunday, over lunch at a market, I ordered pork meatball soup but the wobbly tray caused the bowl of hot soup  to slide and splashed onto me. Ouch! It was painful and the old lady who served was about to be scolded by the boss when I said "no worries, I am alright" and calmly went to my table then rushed off to a nearby tap to run water over my shirt and tummy. Fortunately the meatball was very good and when I got home I applied a thick layer of aloe vera over it. 

Then I had a corn over a finger which had a slight tear and I wanted to ask the doctor for some cream which he did give to me. However, he advised that quite often, a corn could also be a wart which is a viral infection so he recommended laser treatment. The laser specialist doctor later said no laser because it is too close to the joint and there was a slight tear and infection and she promptly gave me nitrogen freeze. This was the first time I had such an experience and when I shared I realised that many folks had this before and the way they told me was like they were having corns for breakfast. So there you go, I got burned and I got frozen. What is going on? But all these can't be compared to what others are facing up to and how they are going to live with it.

What is going on? When the world is currently beset with its greatest crisis yet - financial trouble and recession in the USA, Europe and Asia, there is the Arab Spring going on but Singapore confirmed its arrival on the world stage when our focus turned to sex. Property prices are sky high and people are lapping them up like there is no tomorrow so money is no problem?

The government must be lamenting because we are not having enough babies but people are having more sex than the Durex survey had revealed. Hordes of people were hauled up for having it with an under-age girl. Top civil servants were involved in some other, woman teacher with under-age boy, male teacher filming up-skirt  It seems endless. What is going on? Is there a revolution? I know what some men are thinking. Why don't the government allow the men to have more wives and provide incentives and support. Haha, how many mother-in-laws can you handle?

Here's 4 Non Blondes (What's Up?") - What's Going On?"


 Here's Crazy Frog (Axel F) - "What's Going On?"


Axel F is the theme song of of Beverly Hills Cop penned and performed by Harold Faltermeyer. Axel F is short for Axel Foley, the movie's main character played by Eddie Murphy. Well, Foley sounds like folly doesn't it? Harold Faltermeyer is a German musician, composer and producer famous for his movie themes like Beverly Hills Cops and the Top Gun Anthem. He was a Grammy Award winner and has worked with the world's biggest stars. Arguably one of his finest works was 80s movie "Thief Of Hearts" which is a highly sought after CD which till this day I could not find.

Here's Thief Of Hearts (Melissa Manchester)


We all have needs and desires. Who doesn't and it can be all kinds. How do we handle our needs and desires? I know some people who are insatiable. Do you know of people who keep changing their mobile phones, keep buying new handbags, shopping and spending?
There is a vacuum in the heart, an emptiness, an innate inclination and propensity to splurge on or do something even when it is wrong. A devil-may-care moment, never ever weighing the consequences, the cost and effect balance sheet. That is not your "Aha! Moment!" That is your "moment of folly". 

Nobody is foolish until they got caught. There exist a joke on the Ten Commandments, the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt do anything you like but don't get caught. Do not mess with people or the wrong people or mix with them just as you would not go fishing with Moses. He keeps parting the water. Flee from temptation.

When I told people that there is no secret in this world, you may go thinking that oh yeah, there is the internet, facebook, GPS and what nots and this is the danger. Yes, that is just part of the truth. The other part is even more dangerous and that is as long as there is another person involved there remains no secret. Unless you are talking about walking alone into the Bedok reservoir but even then someone will find out when they discover your corpse. So don't polluting our drinking water. 

There was this man having a tryst with his mistress at Hotel New World when it suddenly collapsed. Both of them came down naked and they survived when it all seemed so safe. So whenever there is a temptation to do things in secret, don't. Do things only when you are ready to be accountable for and face the world. Can you face your children and friends and family?

Remember the "Thief Of Hearts". A moment of weakness, rashness, madness and anything and everything from the heart can be stolen. Even when you think that you are smart enough to hatch a plot. Open the closet and the skeletons will spill out. Keep your heart in good shape. The physical heart pumps blood into your brain and the entire body. So will it also pump desires and thoughts. Keep the desires right and keep your heart in place. That my friend, is your only guard and guarantee! Beware the thief of hearts, wherever, whoever and whatever that may be. 

Good luck!


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