Children's Day - Our Generation Gap

It fits my mind, it fits my soul, it fits my generation. Levi's used to have an advertisement and that was how the theme song went. I still do remember the tune. At the time, folks my age were children. Fast forward today, we are still children - adult children. We are all children of the world. (Bee Gees) (Amy Grant)


We are of a different generation, yet all of us were born in different years marked by war, independence, industrial strife, depression, poverty, prosperity, epidemic diseases, rock and/or the hippie revolution, recession, etc. and we had some real growing up to do. Our behaviour, beliefs, influence and views are largely formed by the circumstances of our time - your life's experience. Unless the elders updated themselves to understand what the youngsters are going through and doing today and the youngsters went back in time to discover the past from where we came, we face problems with the generation gap.

You probably wanted to grow up quickly when young so that you could go to work. How stupid. We are talking generation. For some of us, our main purpose in life may be to serve as a warning to others. Children and youth who took a wrong path would be that. Even adults could be that. I hope yours is fine. Go to someone now and say "he is talking about you".

The children today have great opportunities yet at the same time, great stress. Where things were much slower in the old days, they are now living in a world that is time compressed 24/7, open 24 hours Seven Eleven world. I know, have experienced and heard from many others including complaints about the "younger generation". Choosy in jobs, less committed, quit and change jobs, blah, blah, blah. It is like the Pandora box has been opened. Maybe that was what our parents' generation thought about us at the time? This is the generation gap? No?

What if we were born at a different time? Let's say we are the youth of today. How would our thinking be like? Surely it can't be the same as we are thinking right now from where we came. Perhaps we are exactly like the youth of today in thinking and lifestyle, maybe worse. They have their own anxiety and anguish. As parents, do you guide or push your children? Do you equate your success with theirs? Meaning that when they are considered successful by your standard or society's standard then you accept yourself as successful parents?

Well, I differ from this perspective. Our children's success is their own success. There is only so much parents can do as I look around us I simply saw too much over-parenting. We ought not to live our lives through them. We certainly need to be around for them, support them, having family, parent-child bonding - yes. Beyond this, they have to have their own mind, choose their own path, make their own decisions and we try to impart the right stuffs to them by being an example and  hope they become well-rounded and good people. Singaporeans tend to equate success mostly with material things. Why?


If you were born in the 20s to mid-40s, the folks back then were traditionalists who took pride in a job well done and for them no news meant good news. You were disciplined and conformed to traditions and rules, your experience was appreciated and your words were respected and they become your bond. Nobody sued anybody.

Baby Boomers

Those of us born from the mid-40s to the mid-60s are the in-person kind of people who were needed in the industrial world and you feel valued. There was job security and we were never chasing titles, money or recognition. We worked day and night because we need to and there was so much to learn. Industries were at their infant stage and some people became very successful and for the rest success was incidental. So today if we go around baby-boomering the Gen X and Gen Y what do you think would be the outcome?

Gen X

From the mid 60s to 80, the lot born around this time were already seeing and experiencing a very different world. People need plenty of freedom and were constantly asking themselves how they were doing. They want less rules and desire doing things their way. Most things have to be more immediate. They need more coaching to develop. Which one of you Baby Boomers have been coached in martial arts, sports like tennis, swimming or golf? We just learned and pick up things by ourselves. Those who breathed wrongly at swimming may have just drowned.

Gen Y

In the same breath, from the 80s onwards, the circumstances and conditions were all different. Their work is not just a job, they have to like it and they have to find it meaningful. They are definitely more creative and may have various skills and they don't like being talk down to. This is why there are uprising even in dictator states or where the government is corrupt. Unless a government, a country, a company or any other businesses or organisation stay relevant chaos could be the order of the day.

Bridge The Gap

Unless we plug the generation gap, understand and accept each generation better we may be headed nowhere. No matter how much one can empathise, you will never fully understand until you walk that path. People are usually united for a common cause or a common interest like soccer, music, beer or just relaxing in one corner. It should rightfully have nothing to do with race, language, religion or sex and age. Right?

For the different generations to truly learn and understand each other better, one has to each take a step back and the other a step forward. Or else never the twain shall meet. Maybe the grandparents will always be better off in dealing with the grandchildren as they will be more hands off than the parents in exactly the same manner how your grandparents treated you as a grandchild. 

Singapore as a market has often been used as a test bed for new products and services. The old days of bosses and supervisors shouting down and banging tables at workers and staff no longer holds water. The world is a different place now, like it or not. Political landscapes and the social media has changed with the paradigm shift. It is inevitable. Therefore, seek first to understand then to be understood even if you are the parents or are leaders. Practise tolerance. Win the respect of each other and earn that feather in your cap. I have a previous article on children (link below):

On this Children's Day, we are all children regardless of age or when you were born. We should celebrate together. The older generation should not think that our young are soft and unreliable while the youths should not think the older generation is passe. The energy of youth plus the older person's experience make for a potent combination. Explore it. 

Nimby - Not In My Own Backyard syndrome is sickening. I read with disappointment and disdain of some people's attitude. Are these fellows who protested or petitioned against it real? Are they afraid that their property price will drop once a old folk's home or nursing home is built near where you lived? Don't we all grow old someday? I suggest you cut out the newspaper reports and keep them for one day when you are old and sick you will realise your own folly. The price of your house of of little value when no family members and friends visit you since your old folks home or nursing home could be in JB because you petitioned against it.

Singaporeans are super kan cheong (anxious). Life needs to be lived and developed in stages. Being a 2 year old genius may not be a good thing because geniuses are too far ahead of their time. Few people may understand you like me. 


Happy Children's Day!


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