Women Power!

When God created Adam (man) he saw that Adam was lonely and so he put Adam to sleep, took one of his ribs and created woman and "since then the world has never rested." Haha, just kidding. This is where some men may have regarded that women should be subservient to men and not their equal. This is also in part stereotype of past upbringing but it is not true and should not be practised, just because the man carries the family name? Biblically speaking, woman was made as a companion to the man, not as a servant and we were advised to treat your wife as one, as yourself. If you love yourself, treat yourself well and do not hurt or harm yourself - this is how you are to treat your wife. I dedicate this song to all women in this universe.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaLfDnShEn0 (Woman - John Lennon)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKqxB5w4ukg&feature=fvst (Woman - Scorpions)

Ribs - Do Women Have One More Rib Than Men?

So if God truly took out a rib from Adam, men should therefore have one rib less than women? No. Both men and women have 12 pairs of ribs that extend from the vertebrae and build a wall around where your heart and lungs are. 7 pairs are connected to the sternum and 5 pairs are not attached. Ribs 11-12 are floating not attached to the sternum or other ribs. These ribs have a 3-fold function to protect your heart and lungs and other organs. They make red marrow and blood cells and they are attachment points for your chest muscles for respiration.

When breathing, our ribcage acts like a handle on a bucket - when breathing in our muscles pull the ribcage like the handle on a bucket. When breathing out, the muscles relax so that the ribcage does down thus pushing air out. So when Jesus was hung on the cross with arms stretched and nailed, they were fully stretched which means that he could still breathe in but very difficult and in great pain when breathing out as the muscles can't relax and the ribs can't come down so He has to heave and lift Himself just to breathe out. This He did for some hours and even uttered a few phrases. I dare not imagine it. Most of us only know about ribs when eating pork or other animal ribs.

Ribs can regenerate themselves, so men and women all have 12 pairs even today. It is significant to note that God took a rib by the side of Adam to create woman. God did not take a bone from his head nor bone from his feet that the woman is not here to rule over man nor to be trampled by man but to be by his side and to be his equal, near enough to his heart to be loved and under the side of his arm to be protected. Think about it. So if there are guys out there who think that women are to be slaves unto them they must be the ones whose rib bone has overgrown such that they are pricking their brains or backside.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_sp12xkzKc (Every Woman In The World - Air Supply). Watch out for Singaporean boy Rex Goh.

Gender Equality

Is there equality for women? Yes in a dream world. A United Nations report showed there are at present 57 million more men but women continue to live longer and more girls being enrolled in primary school with a 6% increase between 1999 to 2007. However, only 55% of women work compared to 77% of men.

Even as the Singapore government cajoled and nudged, there are still pregnant women who loose their jobs and in terms of decision-making positions anywhere they are severely under-represented. Comparatively speaking, women today are actually a lot more fortunate than those of our parents' generation and before that. People favoured sons over daughters so from the day they were born there is already an unfair distinction. How sad especially when this comes from your own parents.

There are parents who for no other reason other than their own preference for a male as a result of their own ego and screwed mentality or vanity perhaps because they now have someone to carry the family name. Some even gave less priority to their female children. Some are so unnecessarily biased because they were too simplistic to think that by doing so their sons would take care of them later in life. How blind can people be and I have seen such highly favoured sons who later abandoned their aged parents, cheated them of all their savings or do not allow them in their house. How terrible can people get?

Over the past two decades men's dominance in higher education has been reversed globally and there are now more women than men attending college and occupying higher positions. In Singapore, even though more can be done, there are many women in high powered positions. It is ironic that whenever people saw a woman driving a luxury car or sports marque, they would say she is some one's mistress. It is however true for guys who frequent night clubs and upon leaving saw that the hostesses are driving better cars than them. This trend of increasingly more successful women in career and business cannot be reversed and is here to stay. Just make sure that when golfing, be careful and not forget that the women tee off from the red tee. This means that there will never be equality, so stop fighting and accept each other but be fairer to one another as these days, though men cheat more than women, the women folks are catching up a bit.

There was this couple after many years of marriage who decided to come into open confession. The man confessed that he has been fooling around with several women and hope the wife forgave him. Hell knows no fury like a woman scorned. The wife said it was okay as she confessed that she was actually a man who had a sex change just before they got married. The husband was inconsolable and furious as he blurted: "You cheat! All this while, you have been playing from the red tee!"

Home Maker

Home-maker is not a brand of machine that washes, irons, cook and complete all household chores plus looking after the children 24/7 without pay, medical or vacation leave. In the past generations, mothers mostly stayed home to be the Home Minister advocating manners, morals and discipline. Every passing generation's moral decadence will further decline due to many more women working but there are some women who gave up their careers for this very purpose. There is no hard and fast rule to say which is better as no results are guaranteed. Yet how have we really appreciated women who are home-makers. Does the Government provide any let alone sufficient help on this front?

Women who do not work as in past history are more vulnerable if their other half turns bad or worse forsake the family. Then there is the other significant danger of violence against women. Strong help in this area is important. What about women who cheat on their men? Violence against men? Wives should start treating their husbands well.

Women On Top

Contrary to popular belief, woman on top is no longer just a sex position. It is here to stay and even if certain quarters suggested that there are not enough women on top, just look around you and you will see many in Singapore from banking and finance, water technology, fashion, stat boards and many other businesses.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhm9V7YBOQI (Woman In Love - Barbra Streisand)

Let me tell you that something that can bleed for seven days and do not die should not be trifled with. They were created for a greater purpose!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGMESM8JKOg (I Am Woman - Helen Reddy)

For you information, the writer is a man, not a woman. No, I am not being surrounded by women at gun point. Just a realisation that we all are surrounded by women - your mother, sisters, wife and daughters.


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