Fresh Seafood
If you like food and like your food fresher than a super market, especially for seafood, then make a trip to Woodlands. It is not only fresher, they are also cheaper as they are a wholesaler who I believe also supply their foodstuffs to hotels and restaurants. Welcome to Fassler! On weekends, you will see cars lining in and around the place and people buzzing in and out like houseflies. They have been around for some time.
You can get your food supply here for the week or your party needs and if you like Japanese food or Western food there's not better place to be. It is also an experience like no other. You just feel like there's so much to buy.
Undressed? Please look only at the fillet.
The cold room is really cold and when you watch a movie with people trapped in such a place it will give you a fairly good idea what it is like. Or think Russia. If you wore only a T-shirt, Bermudas and slippers then you will feel really cold, so better go in and take a peek, come out and then charge in to get all you want and be out of there. For those who can't take cold, make sure you go in pants, long sleeves or thicker material and even a jacket if necessary.
Soup lovers - you can get all the soup you want from clam chowder to lobster bisque and whatever. They are very good.
Smoked salmon here is very good too!
Your glasses may be blurred but it pays to come earlier as certain food that you want may have sold out.
Ask a young hero how it was like. If you stay too long and is afraid of cold, your legs may be immobilized and you have to use your hands to move your legs. Lol.
...and what is the temperature?? Well, all fresh seafood has to go into a container for export or imported at minus 18 degrees Celsius. So the cold room here is exactly that!
We got a basket load,might as well - all kinds of soups, smoked salmon, fresh scallops, sashimi-grade salmon, cod fish all in good quantity and quality.
What is the name again? "Fassler".

A fool and his money is soon parted. Well, you worked hard for it, so when you spend, you are blessing others and yourself. Want to bless me?
We became as strong as a big brown bear or a grizzly bear after this much salmon sashimi that we could be oozing Omega-3. Talking about bears, I wanted to share with readers on beary important things about bears from a previous article:
As it is still so fresh we did some in different style - pan fried. We could have leaped like salmons.
It is a fun place to be, to shop and then go home and have great meals!! As I have said before, every now and then we have to go to places we have never been before or do something that we have never done before. This is just of of those simple things. We should be going again and again. Buy and eat to your hearts content! Woohoo!