Sungei Buloh - Revisited
If I were any better I would be twins. Now tiny Singapore has so many parks and park connectors to keep us in touch with nature. Sungei Buloh is always interesting. The wall murals at the entrance shows you the variety.
And the painting too.....
Needle fish, halfbeak and archer fish can be seen in the waters.
It is not often but on your lucky day you can see them...crocodiles.
We spotted a young black viper - a snake with deadly venom on a tree branch. It was exciting and made the trip worthwhile.
Squirrels are aplenty. They are everywhere. It is not easy to shoot a squirrel as they move very quickly. Hyperactive like some of us.
We thought we saw a croc. It was still and look like a log. But I saw it changed angle and position.
It really did. If you see a croc in the wild and in an enclosed environment it is quite different feeling.

Monitor lizards are all over.
I took this shot high up the tower, put my hands out in full extension and capture it. I think this is one species of stinkbug. It can release a bad smell when bothered.
When you want to predict if rain is imminent, watch dragonflies. Especially at a golf course. When you see many of them hovering from the ground to your eye level. It is going to rain soon.
Nature walks are great. It opens up your mind and offers perspective. That all your problems are so small just like the earth is so much smaller than the other planets in the universe.
Little ones can get tired from the hot sun or long walks.
Mangroves teems with life....
...with crabs and mud-skippers. There are some really huge ones. You may even see snakes.
Narrow is the path that leads to wisdom and wide is the path that leads to destruction.
A mud bank. All the banks are failing except for nature's own bank.
Is this a sign of good luck? A beautiful feather that fluttered and landed on the ground in front. Or the birdies are coming?
Shutterbugs galore. Some carried heavy equipment others came alone. A few sat patiently awaiting migrating birds or other bits of nature. Here they were lined up in a shed.
I saw flocks of Sandpipers. Birds of a feather, they flock together.

Peace and tranquility. Now you know why the gurus they live in the mountains to meditate and talk with God.
This is a huge monitor lizard basking in the sun near the cafeteria. Just make sure you bring insect and mosquito repellant and use it generously when you go there.
When you are in the outdoors, you burn energy, exercise and have good appetite. Just like when you are on holiday. Always eating and so we did starting with pickled papaya as appetizers.
When we previously golfed at Kranji's Sanctuary, we would dine at this place as the set dinner for 4 persons was only at $70 including lobster porridge, a vegetable, chicken and another item but this was no more. Sigh. So we had our set menu lunch starting with well very delicious smoked duck. Smoked duck tasted like ham really.
Yummy lobster porridge. The golden colour soup was due to addition of pumpkin which is nutritious.
Everybody would love this - lobsters!!
The lobster/pumpkin soup.
We did the special "chai poh" tofu.
Steamed fish with bitter gourd.
The Dessert? Lychee with jelly.
I have previously written about this before located at IFC (International Furniture Centre). You can even shop around for furniture.
I have to go get some goat's milk from the Hay dairy farm. The ice-box is very useful for fishing when you need to store your baits. They do delivery to your home too if you have a ceratin order size.
Go and look for opportunites and basked in the sun. Even monitor lizards know how to do that. What about you?
