F1 - An Exhilarating Experience (Part 1)
My Experience
Once I wrote about my F1 experience but it was taken down as an unknown party has lodged a complaint. I was informed that an email would be sent to me to explain but I have never received it. I went through everything to edit but could not put a finger to it as everything I said was good. One possibility could be that I put a screen shot from TV on the winner's rostrum but I never re posted it. There was nothing to gain for me and in fact it was free publicity.
The F1 fever was here and just before the race, I overtook a Maserati and it could not get back at me. Ha ha. It was because there was a traffic jam.
The Journey
A world class event was in town. They said Monaco was great but there is something more and very special about the night race in Singapore. It is a big party carnival in town. I have an invite and decided to try our local transport system during Sunday off-peak. First, I took a bus and then I connected by train and in a very short time all in air-conditioned comfort got to the Stadium as you can see from the escalator here.
I was warmly greeted by this young man Marcus and a few ladies who worked hard over 3 days, who gave us the gate pass and Marcus cordially showed us the way to the bus and all the way to our destination.
I finally caught a glimpse of the J-Mobile. Wow!
I had to take a second look - Wow! Wow! I felt my adrenalin pumping.
We were headed to the Pit Straight Club Suite "Ferrell International Ltd Suite". We were checked several times for authenticity with the pass.
Security and organisation were very good!
The Party And The Carnival
You can shop around for souvenirs.....
Everywhere.....and the party and carnival atmosphere were all evident. We should make our roads colourful like that so driving will be less drab.
Feeling a sense of elation was inevitable. Can't fight this feeling. Fighting it would be futile.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67Fb8XbpWMM (REO Speedwagon)
Everybody was there to? Party !! Yes!! Party!! An African band was playing and they made great sound even with those yellow steel drums. It would have been nice to have caught Shakira because "Hips Don't Lie!"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUT5rEU6pqM&ob=av3e (Shakira with Wyclef Jean)
The place for beer was a full house and on this hot and sunny day, you can imagine how much beer will be consumed.
Stilt walkers prowled the streets to build up the fun.
While I was admiring the scenic views, I thought the logistics and organisation were fantastic!
Directions and people were all there to help get you around. Singapore is very good in this.
Breathtaking sights of the sea view under the Benjamin Sheares Bridge where mostly we could only see from the top while driving around the city. So remember to look at things from many angles. Always.
There was this magnificent artist strutting his stuffs...throwing paint.....just like sand art.
Strategic decor was everywhere to brighten and enhance the party atmosphere.
These two gentlemen were soaking it in.
I climbed up three levels and when I looked out, the trees and the sea, they greeted me.
Don't go away as I take a half-time break. In the meantime, just a word or two and a few pictures of the friends who invited me - "A million thanks!!!"
Dr. David Lee

Neilson and Jeanna.
The Food
No party can be complete with food. The better the food the greater the party.
The food from Fairmont Hotel was fabulous befitting the occasion.
You can get nutty all day!

Balance diet - carbo, protein and veg.

You will need champagne to celebrate right?

Here's to good old bubbly! One after another. You can see things through the glass of champagne.

I shove him a plate for a slim cut. He shouldn't have listened to me and should have given me a chunk.

This is the reason. Ooh-la-la! Believe you me, fantabulous beef - prime and perfectly done just right! Reason to re-beef! I was singing to the beef. Here's Rod Stewart with "Reason To Believe". ...still I look to find a reason to rebeef! Yummy!

Rendang with bryani rice. See the foie gras in the corner, a conservative two-bit. Spread that on your bread and the rest is history.

Every dessert you see here is as good as it looked. No, it was even better than it looked.

As lovely as it gets.

Now all these things are happening for quite some time and the race has not even started. It was the human race first. It has been all on food so far. To our heart's content! What you have seen are just some of the food available. I was busy and don't have time to show you all of it. What an exhilarating experience!
Now, I do not owned these things or anyone asked of me to write it. I do not get paid for it nor was there any other personal gain in it other than to say that the F1, Singapore GP and the Government has done a wonderful job and more people should try it.
To be Continued.....
