Monster Energy

Last week I published "VS135" and "Running In The Family" among others. It drew some responses from friends. An old friend wrote: "Geoff, this is perhaps your best about VS and family. Those were the 70s, Toa Payoh and as you have said, the age of innocence." But I have been "bested" umpteen times, for soccer articles, Bruce Lee or whatever. Another long lost friend from school - secondary one distinguished classmate of mine who received my article forwarded to him said: "Geoff, what a nostalgic walk. It was like walking with the Victorians. Interesting, I can recognise the teachers...Thanks for the wonderful collation of shots and the warm and tender writing. Received with much fondness of a wonderful time..."

Recently Albania logged on to be the 89th country. I am travelling and going places with the butt firmly in place and feet on the ground. How I wish we have the luxury of time to travel to all the places and making so many friends. We have so much to learn so many things to do but all jam-packed into one lifetime.

The mundane world and its daily chores can wear us out, some days more than others. So I pray that God grant me monster energy. It never fails that He always hears my cries and answers my prayers. Here is "Monster Energy". I do not pray for an easy life but rather I pray that God give me the strength and courage to be equal to every tasks, come what may. It is only when your sinews are stretched that you can survive a calamity.

Even if you were to be very active or play many sports when young, it is inevitable that over time your work and family may take its toll in one way or another. You can't find time to exercise or play sports. When you do, you are so tired you just wanted to rest - lie down on the sofa, sleep or simply sit down for your beers. As time goes by, your system goes hay wire. You may have eaten too much mostly, drank too much, have an unbalance diet and you find yourself with low energy level.

If only I could invent a device that can extract, store and transfer goodness of exercise and energy. This way I could invite those energy bunny type personality with excess energy to sell it and advocate for those in need to buy them. I am sure to be doing a roaring trade. Ask yourself one simple question - why do people believe that after years of self abuse of your body through eating and drinking too much, lying around and not doing any exercise and wanted to buy a tube or bottle of cream that by simply applying and rubbing them on your tummy once or twice a day can trim away those fats and cellulite built up? Is there then a magic formula to all these?

Although largely active, I still find myself in such situation. Lethargy set in and it became harder to get out of it. Even as I tried to have more exercise, I struggled to sustain it. I realized that many of us are like that. Then I discovered BRT. Please see my previous article on it here: and here: The therapy has helped awaken me from my slumber. I felt much more energized than ever before and now my recovery rate after a gym workout or running is quick and good. This enabled me to continue and sustain it.

Even after an unfortunate 3-week hiatus due to too many invitation to parties on weekends, I have been able to return to the exercise routine without ill effects. It has been six months now and I sure hope to keep it going! Perhaps I can now throw in another one or two rounds in between. Whatever we do, just make sure we do not over stretch and over strain ourselves. There are those who play soccer every weekends for umpteen years but if you were to suddenly start be very careful. Those of us who indulged in competitive sports before will understand even better. We can go into a game saying to ourselves, it is just a game so I am going to take it easy but the competitive streak in us is instinctive meaning that if you are a goalie you will instinctively dive to make a safe or with a one to one situation to score you will naturally make a dash to score. That is where the danger is. So I have sadly and most unwillingly gave up my most beloved soccer and took up golf, a game where you can't rush it but if not careful can still get your injuries. 

Now, I could differentiate my chest from the tummy. I could see the demarcation. It is easier for doctors to examine you this way without making mistakes. Otherwise when the heart droop too low, it might get digested by the tummy. Where six pack was once just referring to beer, I notice the lump is moving into divisions and formation again. Just toning up more for the muscles and a further reduction of body fats will do nicely. However, the most difficult would be the bottom two of your six pack. Fat is an enemy who likes to sit in there. If we were at war and we hid behind a tree, would the enemy sniper be able to hit our protruding tummy?

Nothing wrong with a little bit of tummy, the older we get the harder to rid. This little princess feels safe snuggling to one which may feel like a cushion or pillow. With aesthetics getting so popular I believe there are some people who are into plastic surgery and liposuction. Be careful.

I hope this old body of mine can sustain and improve and get even better in the next few months. We do not want to go into energy saving mode where the screen saver comes on every five minutes of non action. It is hard work but we have to get started and keep going but listen to your body. It is intelligent. If you believe your body is God's creation then it ought to be. Unless we came from apes but why do we stop climbing trees or going bananas?

Well, we should keep fit to play golf and not play golf to keep fit. I know a senior who keeps fit by running and he could play golf all day or continuously for several days. Not only is his stamina and energy incredible, he plays a mean game where every shot is a joy to watch. He doesn't practise swing at all for every shot and would just walk up to the ball, set up and wham!! Every shot is like a bazooka and it looks good, sounds good, feels good an it is very good. Every iron shot takes a clean cut divot and he will put many golfers to shame for time wasting even if it came to putting. Frankly not even a pro can do it like this. Nobody does it better. Why do I need to buy tickets to watch pros play? I should organize an exhibition and collect ticket money for all to watch him play. Here he is and more about him next time.

Most of us who drive would come down from our home straight to the car park and into your car and drive to work, park your car and take a lift up to your office then reverse it at the end of the day. Try taking a longer walk or take the stairs instead. You can train for 3 weeks but after 3 days of partying your efforts are wasted.

And burn more calories. As you burn you will build more energy.

May the force be with you. The right force. Give me monster energy! We all need it for there are just so many things to do!


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