What Goes Around Comes Around

Sometimes you will hear people saying this : "What goes around comes around". What do they mean? Let Justin Timberlake entertain you.

Let me share with you some very powerful true stories:

Story One

There was a young student who was an orphan at 18 back in 1892 at Sanford University. As such he was struggling with his fees but he had a bright idea. A friend helped him to raise money by hosting a musical. They knew there was this great pianist Ignacy J. Paderewski but his manager demanded $2,000 for the piano recital which they agreed.

On the big day after Paderewski performed they found they have collected only $1,600 and they tried to explain their plight giving him all the money but Paderewski gave the money back to the boys and told them to settle everything and only to give him whatever the balance if there were remainder. A small act of kindness. Paderewski did a great thing as he could have harboured a thought like "why should I help people I don't even know?" Most people will think that if I help them then what happen to me, what about me?

People who are truly great would think: "If I don't help them who will and what will happen to them?" They do it without expecting anything in return and simply because it was the right thing to do. Paderewski went on to become the President of Poland one day and was a great leader but Poland was ravaged when the World War began. He could not feed his people. He had no choice but to reach out to the USA for food and relief.

The head there over in the USA was a guy named Herbert Hoover who would later became US President. Hoover quickly agreed to help and he sent tonnes of food grains to help feed the starving people thus avoiding a certain calamity. When Paderewski began to thank Hoover for his nobility, Hoover reminded him how he had helped two boys go through college some years ago.

What goes around comes around. There are many more great stories like the one above which can leave one dumbfounded. While we can often see a hard, cold and even wicked world out there there are still plenty of love and kindness around. Little acts of kindness and love that are so pure, simple and yet powerful. If you don't do a thing, you are letting a great chance slip by.


The problem with the world today is that everyone is too busy. Your customers press you, you press your suppliers, they press their contractors because everybody wants more things and want them faster. When you have no one else to press, you press your... So you get caught in the circle game. We have no time to stop to smell roses. Maybe you didn't even know there are roses. Kindness and love needs warmth to generate just like your shower heater. You can't give cold love and cold kindness can you? 

Story Two

Let me share with you this very powerful testimony. There was once a farmer Scottish farmer named Fleming. On a typical day trying to eke out a living one day, he heard a cry for help and he immediately dropped all his tools and stopped what he was doing and ran over to find a terrified boy mired to his waist in black muck struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the boy from an almost certain, slow and terrifying death.

The next day, a big carriage turned up at the farmer's home. A nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy that the farmer has saved and wanted to repay him for saving his son's life. The humble farmer waived off the offer to repay him for what he had done. At this point, a little head popped out at the door's side and it was the farmer's son. 

The nobleman insisted to the farmer that they make a deal to let the farmer's son have the same level of education as his own son and he will provide for it saying "if he is anything like his father, he will grow into a man we will both be proud of". Farmer Fleming's son went to the best schools and eventually graduated from St. Mary Hospital Medical School in London and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming - the discoverer of Penicillin.

Many years later, the nobleman's son was stricken with pneumonia. What do you think saved his life? Penicillin. Do you know the name of this nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. Lord Randolph Churchill has a son. His name? Sir Winston Churchill. Need I say more?

Story Three

A man saw an old lady on the side of the road needing help. He stopped his old Pontiac beside her Mercedes. The old lady was a little worried as he smiled at her because for more than an hour she waited to no avail for any help. She thought that he looked poor. He could sense her fear as she was all alone in the cold. "Hi, I'm Bryan Anderson, I'm here to help you. Just stay in the car to keep warm." Bryan got under the car, got his hands dirtied and changed that flat tyre. The old lady begun talking to him as she could not thank him enough. The old lady was happy to pay him any amount he wanted but Bryan just smiled at her and told her this was not his job he just wanted to help someone in need and if she had to pay him, she should just go and help someone in need and then just think about him. That will do nicely. Bryan felt good and disappeared after the old lady had left.

Some miles later, the old lady stopped over at a small cafe to grab a bite. She met a kind smiling waitress who came over to her with a clean towel to wipe her hair. The old lady noticed that she must have been 7-8 months pregnant. She could not understand how someone who does not have much can be so cheerful and giving. Suddenly, she remembered Bryan. When she finished she paid with a $100 bill and as the waitress turned to get her change the old lady disappeared. The waitress did not have time to give her back the change and noticed the old lady had left a written note on the napkin - her eyes teared when she read: "You don't owe me a thing. I have been in need of help and someone helped me too. If you have to repay me, spread the love." Below the napkin, she found four more $100 bills. (Why don't even my friends do this to me? Sigh.)

She finished another hard day's work. When she got back home and was getting into bed she was thinking how the old lady could have known that she and her husband were in need. Her husband has been really concerned with the baby due soon. She kissed her hubby beside her softly and whispered: "I love you Bryan Anderson, everything is going to be alright now". What Goes Around Comes Around? You bet!

Story Four

This lady looked successful and even wealthy so the man thought that she wanted to make fun of him like what some others has done. "Are you hungry?" the woman smiled at him and placed her gentle arm under his arm. "What are you doing lady, leave me alone!" Just then a policeman came along and asked if there was a problem. "I'm trying to get this man back on his feet so would you help me do it?" The policeman said: "Old Jack has been here for some time, what would you want with him?"

"I want to get him out of the cold and get him something to eat over at the cafeteria." Old Jack shot back: "Are you crazy I don't want to go there". The police officer grabbed Jack up and said: "It's a good deal so don't waste it". When they got there Jack sat at table at a remote corner. The cafeteria manager came over passing sarcastic remarks that having a person like that here is bad for business. "See lady I told you so" Jack said. The woman spoke to the cafeteria manger: "I am sure you know the banking firm Eddy and Associates?" The manager replied: "Of course, they hold their meetings in my banquet rooms". The lady said: "So you make good money from the company and I am the President and CEO of that company."

By this time the police officer was giggling: "You have just put the guy in his place". The lady said: "That was not my intention and I have my reason". The woman went on to relate to him and Jack that many years ago, she came in through that same door cold and hungry. She has finished college and came looking for a job but could not find any. I have no money with me and was kicked out of my apartment. I have been walking on the streets for days in the cold of February and was starving. I took a chance by walking in this place hoping to find something to eat. Jack was serving behind that counter over there and when I asked if I could work to get something to eat, he said it was against company policy.

Then he went on to make what was to me the biggest roast beef sandwich that I have ever seen with a big cup of warm coffee and told me to enjoy it and I saw him put his own money into the cash register. That same afternoon she got a job, learned and worked her way up. Finally she started her own business and with Jack's kindness and God's blessings she prospered. She turned to Jack and said: "When you have finished go to see my personnel director and he will find you something to do. If you ever need anything, my door is always opened". Tears welled up in old Jack's eyes. "How can I ever thank you enough?" "Don't thank me" she said. "Thank God, He led me to you". As they parted ways at the doorway, the police officer said: "Thank you for the coffee, I saw a miracle today and will never forget".

My intention of sharing these stories is simply to let you know that little things that we do can have a major impact in lives and the world out there. We can empower with even little acts of kindness and love! You and I could be like any of the characters in it. The ups and downs of life. Never forget.
Remember - what goes around comes around! Like the old lady, may God lead us to meet.


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