How Does Players' World Ranking Work?

World Ranking

There are altogether six professional tours grouped into zones of the US PGA Tour, European PGA Tour, Japan Tour, South African Tour, Asian Tour and the Australasia Tour. This is the International Federation of PGA Tours. Others like Canadian, Nationwide and Challenge Tours are also considered and points awarded are according to players' finished position. Points are awarded in relation to strength of the field based on quantity/ranking of the top 100 world ranked players and top 30 home Tour players.


Due to the higher standing of the events, the four major championship and the US Players Championship are separately rated. The South African, Japan, Australia and Europe's Volvo Championships get higher minimum points levels. Winners of the US Open, British Open, the Masters and US PGA championships are awarded 50 points and if you were to come in second, you get 30 points, then 20 points for being third, 15 points when you are fourth all the way down to just 0.75 if you are still competing in the final round. For example,US Players' Championship awards a lesser 40 points for winners down to only 0.60 of a point for 60th place.


There are different minimum points set for each zone from three to sixteen points. These are jsut the minimum and are adjusted according to the strength of the field. Accumulated rolling points over a two year period becomes the World Ranking points for each player. Point recorded in the most recent 13-week period doubled. Ranking points would decline in eight equal quarter year intervals by 1.75 after 13 weeks, 1.50 after 26 weeks, 1.25 after 39 weeks, 1.00 after one year, 0.75 after 65 weeks, 0.50 after 78 weeks, 0.25 after 91 weeks and eliminated after two years. All at intervals of 13 weeks. Each player is ranked according to his average points per tournament, which is then determined by dividing the total points by the number of tournaments he has played over the given two-year period. Even if yo have not played up to 40 events in a two year period, 40 would still be used as a minimum divisor applied to get the average points.

So by now, do you get my point on how they get their points? Ah, forget it. I don't.

Golf as in life, play as it lies.


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