Power, Balance, Recovery In A Bracelet?
You believe in the psychological or placebo effect?
I have been inquisitive for years asking people who bought some for their loved ones if they really work. I also ensure that I asked those who actually used them. I am fully aware that some times such things can be psychological and it could also work for real. A view without bias and prejudice.
There are various brands like Power Balance, Phiten and Grounded. Professional basket-baller Shaquille O'Neal swears by the Power Balance, so do David Beckham, Robert De Niro and Gerard Butler. Do they give you a competitive edge in sports? Gives you better balance? Takes away aches and pains in your joints and muscles? Helps in your recovery?

These things are getting very popular like fashion accessories with various designs and old and young are sporting them wearing them around your wrist or neck. While reports say that there seems to be no scientific evidence that they work I have yet to meet one who says it doesn't work.

Perhaps it depends on who you are and what conditions you have. A very fit, balance person with sufficient rest, exercise, sleep and good diet may feel less effect? A tired or stressed person, someone who has not enough sleep and rest, an older person, injured person may feel great improvements after using them?
Some folks actually wear them while doing sports including golf. It is psychological many would tell me. If so what about the effects of coffee or some isotonic and energy drinks? Tell me what you know and your experience about how you feel about your body's positive and negative ions being balanced or frequency balanced. Maybe I could hit a golf ball even further and straighter with better balance and energy and recover loss quicker. Give me a buzz.