What Is Leadership?

A few years ago, the music world lost an incredible talent. They just don't make music like these no more. He was a leader, the Leader of The Band.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYFVEB4j6zI - let Dan Fogelberg warm you up.

What is a "Dream Leader" and what is an "Ideal Boss"? Recently, there was a survey conducted and they found these qualities:

(1) Ethics - 53%, (2) Leader By Example - 52%, (3) Visionary - 51%, (4) Communication - 48%, (5) Accountability - 37%, (6) Build Trust - 36%, (7) Knowledgeable and Wise - 33%, (8) Motivator - 29%, (9) Supportive - 28%, (10) Inspiring - 25%, (11) Good Interpersonal Skills - 23%, (12) Influential - 21%. Among the worst that is the least desirable traits are "taking credit for others' work, micromanagement, poor communication skills, unreasonable work expectations, insensitivity to others."

If you were to look around it may be rare to find one but then as a critic you know what you are looking for and what you want in a dream leader and ideal boss but then many will stride forth in future to be the boss so how is it that what many people yearn for they never turned out the way they themselves think the boss should be like? Is it because they are now in a power and comfort zone or is it because they now saw things differently in this position? Or simply because they used to not having the power? Everyone can point a finger and criticise George Bush and what are they doing to Obama now? When you doubt a person's character, give him power.

There are many other types of quality in a leader or boss. Decisiveness, entrepreneurial spirit, compassionate, selfless, great values, creative, innovative, honest, kind, sense of humour, praise and encourage people, motivates, brilliant, can turn things around, trustworthy, helpful, etc. but they all have one thing in common - what they say or do is authentic, they don't bullshit. One who does not hesitate to surround himself or herself with competent people who compliments him. Willing to toll up his sleeves to do some tough work as well. One who never showed doubts when faced with difficult decision-making. He will make decisions and then move on. He can be a fun guy to be with and can talk about anything away from work. A true leader who is humble and can laugh at himself.


What is ethics? Is it something that tells us right from wrong (that maybe your conscience)? Is is what the law says yes or no to (laws can deviate like the old apartheid laws) or is it religious (if so then only religious people should do it)? Is it societal and personal behavioural standards? (Then what happens if an entire society is corrupted?) Is abortion ethical? Different religions and societies would have a different take. 

Ethics is a commitment to well-founded principles of right and wrong. What are our obligations and rights, what benefits can we bring to society, whether there is justice, fairness and virtue. Virtues are honesty, integrity, loyalty and compassion. Your commitment not to commit fraud, steal, slander, rape, molest, assault and murder. What is the proper cause of action and endeavour for Man. About morality. It is boring yes. 

Leadership By Example

King of Macedonia, Alexander The Great is one of the greatest of all time. He led his army and conquered superior forces. He drew his sword and led his men at all times. He believed that he can't ask his men to do what he could not. The sight of him charging motivated his men that no forces on earth could stand before them. As expounded by me before, the Greeks were superior fighters with great weapons and solid team work but their greatest edge was leadership in Xenophon. He led from the front seen in combat and unflinching.


Those that build trust are transformational leaders. They are a role model who stimulates you intellectually. The stand up and can be counted. They build trust and strengthen relations. They take the right actions and show the right attitude for others to follow. They have the courage to stand firm. They motivates and rally their troops.


"Visisonary leaders realise that it is better to fight tough battles for worthy causes than lead popular movements doomed to eventual failure" - Allan Wallace. "How much pain they have cost us, the evils which never happened" - Thomas Jeferson. "Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success. Leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall" - Stephen Covey. "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away" - Henry David Thoreau. 

Whatever you focus your efforts and thoughts on and where you can make a difference. That's visionary.

Real Leaders

Real leaders do not bang tables or talk loudly. That is insecurity. In fact, real leaders seldom command. They are only visible when in a highly charged moment they stride forth with clarity and give a precise direction. Managers manage controls and administration, leaders focus on goals and his people. A real leader has a team who are developed into leaders unto themselves. 




A tribute to the fabulous Dan Fogelberg and Leader of The Band.

What kind of leader are you or what do you aspire to be? One of the most powerful leadership qualities is leadership by example simply because you can say all you want, do what you like or conceal things or whatever but people will always remember how you make them feel and they will do what you do not what you tell them. All you have to do is to observe your own children since when they were young. Why do I think this is so important? Because it is one of the most difficult to accomplish and precisely it is so powerful.
Examine yourself constantly. Your behaviour and intention. As a leader, you can inspire people beyond the ability they know they had or you can simply make them perspire because you think they have no ability. When you inspire, they can go on to discover for themselves that they too can make great contributions and once you have this breakthrough, the force can be quite unstoppable. Above all, be sincere


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