Nothing Is Impossible, Impossible Is Nothing!

Warning! This is not a golf article but to draw in readers who are golfers and have no life other than golf and those who has nothing to do with golf, you must absolutely read on! Maybe my hero Clint Eastwood will ring me up to do a movie together some day.

Nothing is impossible. Sounds like a slogan of a sports advertisement that shouted:"Impossible Is Nothing!" I am sure you have seen it. I was reminded of the slogan when I stumbled onto these things which are agar-agar that were shaped and resembled the sports brand's logo.


There are times in life where you are overwhelmed by problems such that you feel you are going under. It could be work, business, finance, a relationship, a failure. Some people may rather die than use their head to think. Yet there are others whose problems in life are unfortunately not really even their own or of their own making. They are simply related or somehow implicated or obligated.

Often, people do not realise that in every problem lies a solution. There always will be a solution even if the solution is not a perfect one. It is just that quite often pride and ego got in the way of things or the problems need compromise from various parties to be resolved. Sometimes they linger. Others are more unfortunate but they do not want pity and made the most of what they have left. People with no hands painting with their feet and doing a better job with their feet than when we used our hands. Remember the recent pianist from China who plays the piano without hands?

I play decent golf but some times I contemplate giving it up to take up table-tennis or gardening. We wake up to a different swing everyday. Trudging along and in pensive mood after coming from a couple of bad games the last time and with three very good golfers I surprised myself with the best game of my life especially on the second half which was near perfect. I am sharing this not because I got my bragging rights but at the beginning when I got into this boring game, I could not even hit a beach ball with my club. So what I am saying is do not sell off your clubs and start buying your ping pong bats or gardening tools yet.

Of course I'll be a fool not to realise that such a thing can happen once in 3-5 years or when all the planets and stars in the cosmos are in a straight line or may never even happen again but harbouring and nurturing a hope with perseverance can give us a chance. Respect for the courses, fellow golfers and humility of self is what makes a great golfer.

In order to find out how it is possible to repeat it I need to have to review on what was the main thing that contributed to it. Was it better fitness, the swing and tempo? Recent change in my custom-fitted irons? Confidence in wedge play? Or the help of some kind of "power" bracelet or necklace I wore sometimes recently? Possibly the stiff competition and inspiration provided by the friends who joined me? Hack the earth, it does not matter.

If you are still here, let me tell you that this is a message within a message within a message quite identical to the movie "Inception" about a dream within a dream within a dream. Absolutely brilliant story-telling. My message within a message to you is that whatever stage you are at in life right now and whatever problems you think you have, I want you to view all the following clips to draw inspiration and realise that we tend to think that we have the worst and biggest problems in life no matter how small they are because we are unable to step outside of ourselves to view things from a different perspective. When you go out and meet more people or get more involved in issues or look at the issues inflicting the rest of society you will have a better sense.

You've got a problem? Then watch.....

You do not hit your golf shots well? Do not despair, let this guy teach you how to hit 260 yards! Golfers or not, you had better watch this: (Warning! Those golfers with low self-esteem please watch with parental guidance "PG" because after watching you may feel depressed with your own game).

You see, whoever is faced with mounting troubles and all kinds of problems have noises in their heads like thousands of frogs croaking at the pond outside your house at night. Due to the stillness and quiet of night, the noise is manifested and amplified. When you wake up in the morning with a good night's sleep get outside the house and you find that it was only one frog croaking. Pick it up from the hind leg, put it in a jar and give it to your neighbourhood school for their lab use.


Open your eyes and look out for all the impossible things happening to and around you no matter how small. Keep them fresh in your memory. Then your sense of hope would be strengthened and begin to feel that nothing is impossible. Truly, impossible is nothing. God is willing. What about you?


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