Horror Scope

What Is Horoscope?

Horoscope is the aspects of the planets and stars in a given moment like the moment of a person's birth used by astrologers and usually come in signs of the zodiac used as a forecast of a person's future. It was derived from an original Greek word horoskopus which means looking at the hours.

Western (Ang Moh) Zodiac

Astronomy and astrology were born int the Mediterranean and the Egyptians, Babylonians and the Greeks created the zodiac circle. Aries is a Ram (Mar 21-Apr 19), Taurus is a Bull (Apr 20-May20), Gemini are twin brothers (May 21-June20), Cancer is a crab (June21-July22), Leo is a Lion (July23-Aug22), Virgo is a Maiden (Aug23-Sep22), Libra is a Scale (Sep23-Oct22), Scorpio is a Scorpion (Oct23-Nov21), Sagittarius is an Archer (Nov22-Dec21), Capricorn is a sea god with the head and half body of a Goat (Dec22-Jan19), Aquarius is a man pouring water from a jug (Jan20-Feb18) and Pisces (Feb19-Mar20) is two fish in different direction.

Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac consist of twelve animals based on certain day, month and year - Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. You should also need to know the time of you birth to know whether you are earth, fire, water, etc.

Hybrid Zodiac?

Technically, you can be born in late January to mid-February and be Aquarius but could also be any of the 12 signs of the Chinese Zodiac depending which year you were born. This means each one of you is a hybrid which leads us to the next question - a hybrid with so many classes and types of people from so may different years, months, days sharing the same fate or success. Isn't that terrifying. I can already see a queue forming. It is no longer horoscope.

Horror Scope

Some people are superstitious. Others truly believed in their horoscope. Others may not feel comfortable doing otherwise after reading just in case. You know like those chain-letters of old and now updated to become chain-emails? If you send these to another 7 or 10 people you will strike it rich next week. Then there was one guy who didn't send and bad luck befell him. Worse another bloke who threw it away or deleted died a tragic death. Uh-oh they are getting it to you doesn't it? Some folks will then say "well I am not greedy about striking it rich but just be safe so that no harm will come to me". You have been duped. Because n the history of mankind, there has not been a better way to do it then to screw you psychologically by putting fear in you.

Let us see what horrors our scope have become and the prediction usually goes like that:

"(1) While there will be more good luck, you may also face several problems. (2) There will be obstacles and issues that make you stressful. (3) Stay calm and be careful to avoid accidents. (4) The opposite sex may be attracted to you. (5) There may be progress in career but people will talk about you and there will be arguments with colleagues. (6) You may experience court case if you are careless with documents or with your words. (7) If you do not pay attention, you can be cheated. (8) Health may be affected if you do not guard against energy loss or take care of sleep. (9) Watch it during hot season and do not eat cold food. (10) Have regular medical check ups just in case."

Let me decipher for you and put you at ease and you will thank me profusely and be grateful for the rest of your life.

My Prognosis: (1) Well, in life sometimes good and sometimes bad things do happen you can say it is luck while others say it's God's will. So, the first sentence is actually saying nothing. It is about the same as me telling you that if you work hard you might succeed one day. (2) What do you think we are going through? Everyday we have obstacles and issued that caused stress. (3) Stay calm and be careful to avoid accidents is the same as chew your food and don't choke yourself to death. (4) The opposite sex being attracted to you is normal, worry only when the same sex is after you. Worse, it is not sex that they want. (5) There may be progress means you are going to feel that it is the same shit but just a different day. People have been talking about you and arguing with you for years. C'mon. (6) It is not surprising the way people got so careless with things especially with the mouth. This is the most accurate prediction. (7) Some people get cheated even if they are paying attention. So don't pay attention on things that concerns greed. (8) When you have no energy and lack sleep it not only affects your health. You'll be in hell. (9) In the hot season people fall sick when they do not drink enough water while cold food can upset your stomach sometimes. (10) If you are already doing no problem.

The point is each point stated is more or less stating the obvious. So there is nothing to fear or worry about. If you have to read them do it for entertainment value otherwise just ignore them. There are quite many people who told me they would never go for a medical check up because it is better not to know which contradicts doctors advice of early detection better chance of cure. They say that if you know you will stress yourself to death.

Two Things To Worry

There are only two things to worry about in life. Whether you will be healthy or you may fall sick. If you are healthy there is nothing to worry about but if you fall sick there are two things to worry - whether you will get well or get worse. If you get well there is nothing to worry but if you got worse there are two things worry - if you will survive or you might die. If you survive and live there is nothing to worry but if you die you have two things to worry about - whether you will go to heaven or hell. If you go to heaven there is nothing to worry but if you go to hell you will be so busy shaking hands with friends that you have no time to worry.
Like I said before when golfing on a very hot day, just simply enjoying the shades from some big trees alone let you know the difference between heaven and hell. If you have to read your horoscope do it for fun and donot take it seriously. Better still, do not read it at all if it poisons your mind and makes you act in ways that become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is like watching horror movies for some people who are so afraid yet pay good money to be frightened and at the most freaked out moments close or cover their eyes. Use mind-over-matter techniques - if you don't mind it doesn't matter. They may use stars to predict or tell your life story but you are greater than that. So take charge of your own life today and write your own story without fear or trepidation ! Break out and stride forth!
Stop worrying. You will never get out of this world alive!


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