You Are What You Eat?

It is often said that you are what you eat? Do you agree? What does it really mean and how did it get started? The notion went that basically to stay healthy you have to eat good food. Brillat-Savarin and Ludwig Andreas Feuebach wrote that "tell me what you eat and I tell you what you are" and "man is what he eats" respectively. The food that one eats has a bearing on your health and state of mind.

Some quarters believed that as much as 90% of diseases known to man are caused by cheap foodstuffs. So we have to look at what we eat more carefully. Never get cheap crabs but by itself crabs can kill you if taken in extreme due to cholesterol. Perhaps more expensive prawns are better and still cheaper than the cheapest crabs?

I believe abalones were once cheap but the Chinese ate them till the price shot up and never came back. Expensive does not really mean more nutrition always. Anyway, most of the time we are over eating. You can worked so hard to shed 1 kg only to easily put back 2kg.

What about shark's fins? The ongoing debate that rages has not come to a definite end. Shark's fins has little nutritional value but it is an expensive delicacy for the Chinese. I only like the taste of the soup not necessary the fins so if you gave me the same soup without the fins I would be equally pleased. However, at a wedding the hosts can decide not to have shark's fins in the menu and I have no problem but I will not protest by not eating them as that would mean letting the shark die in vain. A man gets killed by sharks at a ration of more than 3,747,000. Men kills sharks daily. Which is more dangerous?

We have to choose food that are healthy in itself and at least the way they have been prepared and with what other ingredients. Life would be boring if we all ate only certain foodstuffs.

Most of us may not know it but many of us may be suffering some form of allergy that triggers a host of many other problems in our bodies and we are not even aware of it. Running or a jammed nose could be sinusitis or allergic rhinitis but what causes it? Skin itch or eczema? Likewise for many other symptoms. Doctors are good but their job is to treat symptoms, offer reliefs and sometimes provide cures. Doctors please do not misunderstand you are doing a great job!

So we have to take our multi-vites, omega-3 fatty acids, eat our vegetables and fruits.

So go ahead and spend more money on good food. Good in that they must be very fresh and have good nutritional value. This fruit stall at Tanjong Pager market is one of the best. The quality and freshness are ahead of the curve even with the big super markets thrown in. Here, partially hidden you can see Mr. Loh. He recommends me almost daily on what is the catch of the day.

They have great variety and source from all parts of the world.

Would you pay $8 for this Spanish melon? I tell ya, it is worth every cent.

And Spanish persimmons? They are not cheap. I always knew the best persimmons were from Israel which they call Sharon fruit but these Spanish ones which are larger are simply awesome.

It was this fruit stall and Mr. Loh who recommended me pure Cherry juice which is supposed to be good in fighting gout. I recommended some friends and they told me that it worked.

I do not seem to see it anywhere in shelves at supermarkets but these are no longer available as they only bring it when it is in season.

It certainly make sense to say that we are what we eat. Yes dressing up for the occasion is important at least to look decent and more so to show respects to your host but what your put into your mouth goes into your system and bloodstream, etc.

Also if you were into eating big meals you are what you eat you are gonna be big like the meal. If you always eat too much and and do not grow as big then where is the food going to? Or does it make us lazy, lethargic and fat in not just the body but also the head?

Good luck to you, you are what you eat but be careful not to go round calling people by what they look like just because they love pork, beef or fish.


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