Pearl's Optical - Care For Your Eyes

Strangely, I was never short-sighted when I was in school. So in terms of my eye sight it was a breeze - 6/6. I only realized something was wrong when I was at the National Stadium for a soccer match after a long time and when they flashed the line-up with the players' names and numbers on the opposite I thought the score board was for the other side to read. It didn't help that in the old day, every player was unique in that you recognized them in the way they ran or moved so when I could not see their numbers I still knew who they were. I was well into my second half (not soccer) of my twenties when I realized I was short-sighted after doing an eye test. No wonder every lady seems beautiful at one time. My world crumbled as I can't call people four-eyed anymore. It must have been caused by the midnight oil I burned - er, reading comics. Fortunately I have a good place to go to and have been going there ever since for all my eye care needs together with my family. Ladi...