Bear Or Bull
There was a bear at Ulu Pandan. SOS. Guerrilla marketing stunt gone wrong. How could they find a bear in Singapore? There was a time where they people saw elephants at Pulau Tekong (Tekong island) and they actually found them. Probably swam over from Malaysia and got deported. Illegal immigrants but they escaped caning. If I were a vet or a hunter, I would have drew my tranquiliser gun and shot it on the spot but if I had known it was a publicity stunt, I would have sent a bull and get the bull to mount the bear to signify the coming of the stock market of the bull thumping the bear!
Save Our Soles
We spent an incredibly disproportionate amount of money on fancy sofas and lounge seats without hesitation even though our buttocks are sufficiently cushioned by nature and yet most of us ignored our feet. Sometimes in certain situation, when the brain is not working, they say we have to think on our feet. In the old days, our footwear was hardly a fashion statement. They were borne out of basic necessity to protect the feet from ring worms and others, better than going around barefoot. The PT (physical training) shoes that we wore during National Service were horrendous as blisters started to from by just looking at them or touching them. Today I think they use Reebok. Lucky fellows.
When we got to work at the office, we need to look a bit smarter and we wore leather shoes with leather soles. They not only looked smart but the sound they made while walking gives an air of superiority. Over time, too much walking later or for some of us who plays lots of sports, you can develop spur or some kind of pain especially around the soles in particular the heels. This led me to switch for more comfort and in this respect, modern day soles. This is in itself a cry for help like S.O.S. - Save Our Soles.
A couple of friends were talking to me about shoes. Generally, many of us have to stretch the dollar as there are just so many things competing for our attention to pay up. Some like shoes are a necessity. Quite frequently, people will think that they won't want to spend too much on something that wears off quickly, gets trodden often and use to walk on dirty grounds anyway. Yet, as often enough, we can splurge on a tie that costs more but does nothing but beautify as an accessory to your shirt. No doubt, a good quality tie and a good choice of design and colour does bring out the personality in you, it is something that when wearing it, makes no difference at all to comfort or feel as it does not even come into contact with you. Don't quit having a nice tie but don't sting on your shoes. Some folks had it figured out that since shoes are to be trodden just go for cheaper ones that cost not more than a $120 but these usually do not last long enough and more often than not will not give you good enough support, comfort or durability as compared to something that costs double the price. The better quality shoes will give you what you really need - support, comfort and durability. At the end of the day, it costs the same over a period of time.
I'm giving this distress SOS call due to some guys asking me about shoes. There are designer shoes like Salvatore Ferragamo, Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Christian Louboutin, Jummy Choo, Louis Vuitton, YSL, Miu Miu to high end business shoes to loafers and casual.
What Brands?
You can see Aldo (Canadian), Bally - Swiss made since 1851 founded by Carl Franz Bally and his brother in the basement of their family home. I have just realised that having a family home with a basement is essential if you could afford one as many inventions and businesses have been started from basements from shoes to computers. England's Church's (since 1873) were acquired by Prada and the English makes very traditional good quality gentleman's and business shoes. Cole Haan (US-1928) is considered high fashioned. Florsheim Est. 1892 - "For The Man Who Cares". Florsheim Shoes is a shoe brand in the USA. There was a time when every mall in the US had a Florsheim store. Then there is Johnston & Murphy from Nashville, Tennessee, USA Est. since 1850 and sounded like a law firm have very well-made and expensive shoes which are rather heavy when wearing it and walking around. Italian Moreschi is pure Italian shoe-making and among the best of the breed - refined comfort, quality and style. Sleek but not overblown. One friend seems to like only Obermain (German) and I do not know why. Hush Puppies of Michigan, USA has a famous logo of a Basset Hound and Nine West named after their address at 9, West 57th St, NY.
Then you have all kinds of cut me some slack shoes to show that you are relaxing or just being cool moving on to Camper (Spanish), Caterpillar (USA, looks solid like their machinery), Crocs - a foam design meant originally as spa shoes but watch out for those darn escalators and your toes - you don't want to get stuck there. We also have Fila (Italian) since 1911 by the Fila brothers that Bjorn Borg made famous. Kickers kicked out a storm since 1968 touted as a youth brand especially the Hi boot made popular in the music industry. Merrell (since 1981) are outdoor shoes that were quite popular as they differentiated that Americans prefer wide toe/narrow heel shoes to European preference of narrow front/wide heel. Looks like they are both fat on different sides. Lol. Should I go create a buzz to just make them big all around the way we like our cars just for Asia. Reebok founded by Englishmen Joe and Jeff Foster was named after the rhebok, an African antelope/gazelle but was sold to Adidas.
Some of my own experience to share:
Clarks is a British shoe manufacturer based in Somerset, England and owned by the Clark family. It started somewhere between 1825-1833. They claimed to have "Wave" technology today that can reduce joint stress and increase shock absorption. Clarks shoes are iconic and have a unique cut and style. A couple of my friends swore by it when we were in our 20s. It's different. A style of its own.
Dr. Martens
Renowned footwear from the UK since 1960. It was a revolutionary shoe production and pure genius to insert air cushion inside the shoe's sole for the best position of your foot to provide comfort. It was the youth sub cultures of the hippies as well as the skinheads and the punks and still evolving today. I wore these to ports and onto ships with oily surface as well and I tell you these things can grip and hold you during an oil slick. You also walk with a spring in your steps.
Rockport's simple philosophy is "Walkability". They claimed to weigh less than typical running shoes, is business-approved and in fact really marathon-tested. They have got some folks to wear them and ran a marathon to show its durability and comfort. They use a proprietary technology for heel shock absorption and cushioning for the forefoot supplied by Adidas. Founded in Massachusetts in 1971 they have since been sold to Reebok by now a subsidiary of Adidas hence their cushioning from Adidas. These things are quite comfortable but very durable!
Ecco is Danish and owned by the Toosbuy family. Ecco is popular and famous for the comfort their shoes provide. It has firm support wrapped around your foot and soles that feels so easy.
Geox means "earth on which we walk" as Geo in Greek means earth and the 'x' as technology. It started in 1995 when Italian Mario Moretti Polegeto while jogging in hot dessert climate his feet got hot from exertion so he cut some holes in the soles. He got the idea from there. The difference between him and us is that we also cut holes in our soles but we just throw away those shoes when rain water gets in later but this joker went to study how to make the soles breathe and now he has soles that breathe. I bought them because I don't have to make holes myself and they truly breathe but I found the Rockports more durable as the breathable soles came off during a recent attack by flood waters.

I had chosen this pair too as not only the soles breathe but the entire shoes can breathe judging from the many holes you can see. I really did not poke them myself. Geox are into golf shoes as well.

All these shoes are not considered really high end stuffs but certainly makes the cut for being durable, comfortable and quality shoes. For more than $200 over dollars or less you will get value for money instead of those cheaper ones.
Italian Shoes
First impression of Italian shoes are always very good. Most Italian shoes look like their thoroughbred sports cars like Alfa Romeo, Maserati, Lamborghini and Ferrari. Delectable! Mama mia!

Except for Moreschi or some others, not all Italian shoes are very comfortable but they are usually stylish. Like Giorgio Armani. They are built for style so sometimes comfort is relative.

The Italian shoe industry works a bit like the Japanese. They have the whole works supporting one another in the industry such as leather suppliers, the guys with shoe laces, soles, those who mixes the colours, the tanning, the leather processes, everything to do with shoes. We have an awful lot to learn from these people who support and co-operate with one another especially if our companies were to venture forth into other countries in a globalised world. Instead of killing one another, we should work and support one another.

Chinese Shoes
I came across a brand called Lin Ho Shoes which appeared to be from China but I can't say for sure if they were. It could just be a local shoe shop using a Chinese brand. Value for money.
Sure they make shoes. The Japanese used to make anything but now it is China. They don't seems to be big here. I could be wrong but knowing them, the shoes may cost $200 but the shoe box may be around $100 so total $300. You will have a strong urge to wear the shoe box during weekends.
Golf Shoes
If you golf and do so reasonably often, you will need more than a pair given our unpredictably inclement weather. I have to warn you that golf shoes, for that matter any type of shoes including working or running shoes when not used for some time will usually have its soles dislodged and come off completely. Like your muscles, use it or lose it.
If you golf and do so reasonably often, you will need more than a pair given our unpredictably inclement weather. I have to warn you that golf shoes, for that matter any type of shoes including working or running shoes when not used for some time will usually have its soles dislodged and come off completely. Like your muscles, use it or lose it.
These humble studs are very important. I was completing my golf swing to strike a ball on a golf course when I lost balance and completely missed the ball as my feet came off the grass. I did not realised till later when I found that the studs were all worn off. These can be dangerous if you hear stories of people who only sneezed and got a slip disc. If you are going to change these studs, make sure that you do not do it a day before your game. As mentioned earlier, use it or lose it so when was the last time you used these muscles. Never. The old studs are not exactly easy to dislodged or unscrewed. Try it if you do not believe me. Twelve times. And if you have more than one pair?

But it was well worth it. When it was completed, it was like a summit in mountain climbing.

The Real S.O.S.
S.O.S. is the Samaritans of Singapore. When you feel troubled, anxious or depressed - call the SOS. Log in to find out more: http://www.samaritans.org.sg/ or call them at 1800-221 4444 (24 hours) 24/7. In a world where we may have to work or live life more than 24/7 maybe 25/8, we are bound to encounter troubles.
The Parable Of The Good Samaritan
The parable of the good Samaritan tells the story of a man travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho and along the the journey of a treacherous, winding road which was a hideout for robbers, he was robbed of everything and was beaten to near death. A priest passed by and showed no love nor compassion failing to help this man by passing on the other side so as not to be involved. Now that was a man of God. Unfortunately, there was no love here. The next person to pass was a Levite. The Levite is like a higher class tribe. Aaron and Moses were Levites. He did the same thing as the priest. Finally, the one least likely to show love and compassion - the Samaritan considered to be lower class people of their time without knowing what kind of religion or race the injured man belonged to saw a person in dire straits and needed help. He disinfected the man's wound with wine, soothed his pain with oil, put the man back on the animal and then took him to an inn for rest and recuperation. He went further by paying money to the innkeeper to take care of this injured man and assured that he would pay any extra on his return trip. The Samaritan saw the man like his neighbour or as anyone who is in need.
We need to follow the Samaritan in his conduct as he showed mercy and love. We are to show compassion and love for those we encounter everyday in our lives regardless of race, religion or status. There was only one criteria - a fellow man was in need. Can we give freely and generously without expectation? The priest in this case is just a facade, the Levite is all legalism, only the Samaritan did the right thing even when no one was watching. That is why he is called the Good Samaritan.
A long time ago, the old car I was driving broke down. It refused to start at a traffic junction after stopping for the red light. It was night perhaps around 9pm and I couldn't push the car alone because I have to clear an upward slope. I stood there more for 20 minutes waving frantically to the many cars that passed by to stop for a little help. None did. That was in the late 80s where no one has yet fashioned a robbery in this manner and in Singapore at a time with quite heavy traffic on a busy cross junction. As I was forlorn and about to give up and had stopped waving when a motorcyclist - one young Indian man and another Chinese man (ah beng type in his souped up Honda Civic) both slightly older than me stopped their bike/car behind my car and came to my assistance urging me to get in as they pushed my vehicle across the slope and even continue it downhill over to the other side of the road until my car jump-started. I didn't have their names but my lips were profusely blessing them non-stop and I remembered it today and will for the rest of my life. Never judge a book by its cover.
What are you and what would you do? Are you a good Samaritan?
Recently, there was a report that suggested that people who sleep more have less fat. I began looking at people whom I knew sleep quite a bit and thought may be it's true. So I am going to try to catch more than 40 winks whenever I can. Why run when I can sleep? Good night.