Do Angels Exist?
Do you believe in angels? When we were young we may have heard of stories of angels or during moments of spirituality you may feel touched by angels. Sometimes, you would have read about dangerous situation where people are said to have encountered and saved by angels. Some folks even believe there are Guardian Angels assigned to every person to keep you away from harm.
Some people are converts and yet others are skeptics. Sometimes, when you have a close call and yet amazingly no harm befalls you and you feel there are really angels. At times, you are in despair and you wonder where is your guardian angel. Do you believe in angels?
Archangel Gabriel the messenger is one of the great Archangels. He is one of two Archangels mentioned by name in the Bible. In the Koran, Archangel Gabriel known as Jibril in Islam awaken Mohammed, the Prophet of God. Chinese folklore and stories too have their angels and fairies.
Some people reported of seeing angels in hospitals helping a sick child or a badly injured person or during war time where they experienced miraculous escapes. Those who claimed they have seen real angels do not describe them like the little cute things you hang on Christmas trees. They are tall, handsome, huge and powerful. Are these warrior angels sent to fight and protect you? I mean are you worth it?
Angels Are Spiritual Beings
Angels Are Spiritual Beings
Your Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus -
If we believe that there is the devil and his demons which are basically evil spirits then we must believe that there is God and his angels. These are all spiritual beings which may appear to us when necessary but mostly are invisible to us in the world but unseen by our naked eyes there is an ongoing war in the spiritual realm. Websters' dictionary defined an angel as a spiritual being employed by God to communicate with human kind.
They are guardians, ministers or messengers. They can be guardians for an individual or a nation. So far what most of us know is that they are either theology or legends. The topic on angels is somewhat different because it arouse interest for many people regardless of their background, religion or race.
Some folks claimed they have encountered angels during dangerous situation and then this person that came from nowhere to save them just disappeared as suddenly as they appeared. Others claimed they experienced angelic sounds or felt great sense of warmth or comfort during severe times of stress, grief or sadness like being wrapped by gentle cloak of feathered wings. During impending disaster, others felt a speed of light or a rush of air. Sometimes, just an inexplicable or unexplainable feeling of a presence. Angels - Robbie Williams -
Is This For Real?
Send Me An Angel - Scorpions -
There was a mother of a young girl whose daughter is going through cancer surgery. A very tall nurse with long braids ministered to her all night. After they went home the mother wrote a thank you note and called the hospital for the nurse's name but no one could identify that nurse. This world is really a dangerous place and angels are here to provide supernatural protection.
There was a young lady being harassed by some boys where she worked. One night when she was alone and coming out the boys were shouting and harassing her when suddenly they just stopped shouting and left quietly. Later she found out that the gang members said that her boy friend showed up and he was seven feet tall. "We dare not touch her".
Another young woman was walking home late after work when she encountered a suspicious man who was later caught for being a molester/rapist. During identification, the woman turned up and confirmed she saw the man that night. The police asked the rapist if he saw the woman out of curiosity and the man replied that he did and she was walking with two big guys on either side of her that night. Two boys was going through a rough neighbourhood and was attacked by a gang. One of them took several punches and fell to the ground. He thought he would be dead when he heard a voice on top saying"it's okay now, they are gone". He got up and saw his friend a distance away with fists still clenched but there was nobody else there. They just disappeared.
There was a local flight steward walking in New York at night and wearing his Rolex watch. He saw a few guys following and then walking towards him when he heard a clear and audible voice telling him to run. Run he did and several shots were fired at him but he escaped unharmed. He later found that there have been robberies there recently by the same gang.
Bad Angels?
There are good and bad people so there are good and bad angels. Bad angels are fallen angels who became demons. They prowl around seeking people to devour. Sometimes when watching a movie, they depict an angel and a demon on each side of the shoulders directing you to do different things. The voices of good and evil. You have to take sides and decide which side you are on and which voice you should listen to.
Human Angels?

There may be times where you may be feeling pensive. You may be feeling physically tired. Your soul, your spirit is weary. Then out of nowhere, a thought, a memory or an old friend suddenly gets connected or appeared. You may bump into him or her somewhere perhaps even in a distant land. This person could be an ex or present colleague, an associate. Somehow, he got you connected to a business, a job, a new career perhaps even help you to learn a new trade, finance or just simply got you out of despair by inspiring you. This person may not solve your problems completely but he or she showed you a way, an inspiration.
Then as suddenly as they appeared they left. Perhaps that person is still around. It could even be a stranger. Are these folks then not human angels? Angelic thoughts and deeds. Angel Of Mine - Evanescence

Angel - Jon Secada

Angelic Moments
If we are always too busy and stressed rushing from one place or thing to another, when we fail to pause to smell the roses. I am afraid we might missed out on any angelic moments we encounter.
We may miss out on all the miracles going on in our daily lives. Replace that Kit Kat moment from dancing pandas to angels. In the Kit Kat ad the pandas came dancing when the man took a break. In real life perhaps, you'll miss angelic moments when you don' take breaks. I saw a beautiful angel but few people caught a glimpse as they were all too busy.

Human Angels
Do your own due diligence. Have you ever been touched or inspired by humans who are like angels? When people provide great customer service to help customers, when you see someone helping a stranger. When someone help a family member, a relative, a friend or society at large - these people are human angels. They have a special radiance, warmth and touch. You cannot put a price on them.
There may be times, unbeknownst to you, the stranger that you help could have been an angel. It is one thing to be helped or touched by an angel but to have helped and touched an angel, that is really quite something. That person or stranger that you have the opportunity to help but you refused to could have resulted in you passing that great opportunity to also be an angel or to touch an angel.
Humans can be and are supposed to be above the angels and we are given the greatest gift of choice. If there are two competing voices directing you, choose wisely which voice you follow. Wide is the path that leads us to destruction. The difference can be heaven and hell. The next time you have been touched, remember what I have said and see if you have been touched by an angel. Ultimately, angels are works of God! I pray that you are always surrounded by angels!