Your Mind Is A Lethal Weapon

The mind is your most powerful weapon!
Before one could act to do something, say something, feel any thing, the mind is your control tower. It's your filter, your processing and command centre and is therefore your greatest weapon. Life as in golf, life is lived and golf is played six inches between the ears.
Jim Hines broke the 100m sub-10 seconds record after ages and strings of people trying but failed. However, once he showed it could be done, one by one others came to achieved it breaking the barrier of what was once thought impossible. It kept getting better. Look at Usain Bolt now. Some people practise mind over matter technique, they use their mind to move an object or bend a spoon like in a magic show, an illusion. I would rather you practise mind over matter in that if you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is one where you see and feel things to be positive like they say you see a glass half-filled with water rather than half empty. You find ways to show things could be done rather than negative thoughts of looking for ways they can't be done. It is all about how we perceive things don't you think? You set a trend of perception which can become habit. What you perceive to be true will come true and when you keep at it often it becomes your conviction. When we are in unfamiliar territory be it our studies, work, relationship, life in general especially when faced with a daunting challenge, we must never look out for all the possibilities for failure as they are aplenty and endless but instead we should only look at the potential for success. The possibilities for failure is there to let us face a dose of reality so that we know where are the banana skins. If we could break them down into smaller portions and tackle them apart, we can gain better results. Finally, our attitude makes the difference. Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the target (like on a golf course).

You Are What You Think

You are really what you think. If you think of all the sad moments in your life now, you will get teary. Conversely, if you were to think of all your happiest moments, it will bring out laughter and definitely a smile on your face. In other words, you can think your way into and out of any situation or circumstances. If that were the case, why think of bad ones when you have to power to think of strong, good and positive ones? When you drive a car, you always have to engage gear first, so too our mind. So before you speak, make a decision or act, nothing will take place unless it gets into our thoughts first. So, remember to engage brain before putting mouth into gear. If you find your current circumstances to be an unhappy one, you can improve it by the power of your thought by taking action of developing a positive life through clear positive thinking or destruction with negative thinking. But you have to have an honest analysis, take responsibility of your own life before any success can be achieved.


Mind Your Own Business. That's what many people may think is the best policy. Don't go poking your noses around. I am sure you have come across people who don't do their own work but keep poking their noses into others'. I'm not saying that you do not help people who needed help so you just MYOB. What I meant was if we can't even manage our own attitude and our minds, what gives us the authority - officially appointed or morally to manage others? Very often, you will have people who believe they are the best managers around (if only given more opportunities) but yet they haven't even learned to manage themselves? As I have mentioned before, one of the greatest and most powerful leadership qualities is leadership by example. You set an example for others. It is so powerful that you don't need words, gimmicks or stunts. Inspire yourself to inspire others. When you do that, you are already great before anyone conferred you a title. Giving you that title or award is just a matter of time. Make yourself worthy with consistent application.

Free Yourself From Troubles

Some folks have a tendency to jump from a frying pan into a fire.They are perpetually never free from troubles. They could not break the cycle because their minds are too preoccupied with worries and attuned to troubles and the mind attracts troubles. Whatever you dwell on becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. "Do not trouble troubles unless troubles trouble you". Worry is an absolute waste of time that does not add anything to our lives as it serves no purpose at all but can have adverse effects on our health - both mentally and physically. Nobody has ever died from hard work but why take the risk? Haha. Nobody has died from hard work but many died from worry and doubts. Worries are often over illogical and vague issues which does not happen most of the time. It is a negative take on all things which spawns into its own story and the best thing to do is to eliminate it at its root. Yes, not everything works to plan but plan to fail if you fail to plan. A plan allows you a certain direction to take and with Plan A you ought to have a Plan B too and when you are busy working out your plan you have less or no time to worry.


Like fire or stress and many things in life, these things can be a good servant but always a bad master. Like a computer, your iPhone or Blackberry. When you don't have it you feel and become lost. You have to look at it before you sleep, you have to fiddle with it all day. However, if you are able to handle it with dexterity giving balance then it makes a difference. Your mind is a thing that is yours and you have exclusive control over it. Nobody can do a thing to it and nobody can steal it. Knowledge and wisdom cannot be stolen or copied. Use it for meaningful and constructive pursuits. Spending sleepless nights at the casino is not one. Use it for intellectual exchange or an engaging conversation and sometimes even a spirited debate but don't waste an ounce of nervous energy over petty quarrels and arguments. When you are engaged in proper discussion, learning concepts or testing ideas, our own knowledge will be inevitably enhanced and our minds expanded through such interaction especially with a thinking person. People who argue over insignificant things will become dull of spirit and of the mind.


Does wisdom comes with age? They say when you get older you get mellowed and wise. Not entirely true. You get old people running around like Gremlins at casinos or behaving like DOM (dirty old men). Others seem mellower and wiser out of necessity as their physical state has changed. Unfortunately, wisdom is not determined by the years you have walked on planet Earth nor the title you hold. Some teenagers may already be feeling old before their time while a 70-year old could be so enthusiastic and discovering new wonders of life. It is again a matter of attitude and of the mind. Go forth to acquire wisdom by keeping an open mind in spite of some bad experiences here and there. You don't get betrayed once and claim that all people are hypocrites as you are going to meet and deal with different people. Also, learn from other people's mistakes. You don't have time and resources to make all the mistakes yourself. Wisdom comes from reflection by looking at yourself.

Your Limit Is Your Own Mind

You have heard the sky is your limit. Your mind can imagine, you mind can dream. Your limit is set by the power of your own mind. It is self-imposed. Crazy ideas can turned out to be inspired ones. Let your ideas be free and without hindrance. Every idea can lead to other ideas and can be a great one. No one has ever seen God but many believe in Him. Just like no one has seen electricity but yet when you turn on the switch, you know that your TV, computer, lights and other things work. We humans don't even really understand the complete and complex ways our brains work but we know that if we use it in certain ways, it can yield positive and powerful results and that can only be achieved with positive thinking. 

Know Your Enemies
Know your enemies and know yourself, a thousand battles, a thousand victories. We are familiar with Sun Tze. If we know our own mind and is able to control and direct it with positivity we can them take charge. Your feelings, thoughts, emotions and desires can all be directed but only if you are in control and not your mind controlling you and getting a life on its own. You can then direct to whichever end you found most suitable. You take charge by being reflective, considerate and thoughtful. It is also solitary as only you could understand better your inner space and from there you will get insights. Do not be surprise when I tell you that your greatest enemy is yourself. It is your own mind. Knowing the enemy is knowing yourself. Conquer and control it or it will be like a wild stallion. It is a good servant but bad master. You can then be as wise as the sages in history. Be a voracious reader. Reading lets you into anther world, another person's mind offering you countless perspectives and different situation.

Food For Thoughts

You are what you eat they would say. Similarly, we become what we think. Our mind is like a computer. It processes what we feed it. If you surf porn on your computer or in your mind, then you are inundated with porn but nourish your mind with healthy food in the form of regulating and feeding of nutritious diet instead of junk food then your mind would grow according to what it is fed. Give yourself a balance diet, you deserve it. Absorb information from many fields or interests and find out what are the latest trends, sometimes even outside your main domain of interests to discover new things and new ways. All meat without vegetables and fruits may get you mental constipation.

Careful Owner

One careful owner, seldom used. Mint condition. If this is how you advertised to sell your brain your mind will go the same way. Spend time making observation, thinking, studying. Do reviews, measure your own progress in anything not just work. Use your mind to harness the appropriate action even if they are for your hobbies. Keep the brain and mind working, Use it or waste it.

The Most Powerful Weapon

The mind is the most powerful weapon known to man. You will have to exercise control over your own mind so that you will never be controlled by another person's mind. When you are in charge of your own mind, no other forces can wrestle control over it no matter how formidable they are. There was a cult whose leader was a blind Japanese man and among his followers were scientists, lawyers, doctors and other intelligent people. I believe these people may have the IQ but not the EQ and unwittingly allowed their minds to be controlled by the leader even to do evil. In the course of our human history, you would have known of tyrants who tried to control others especially those who are in opposition to them but in the end they too will discover the power of the human mind was greater than the power of his sword or guns. Victor Hugo said that an invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.

Once a Japanese manager told me that he has to be home because the blind man was coming to his house. I thought that may be he volunteered his service to help the blind but finally I noted what he meant was actually that the contractor was coming over to fix his blinds. A few guys were having dinner at a restaurant. Two left for the washroom and along the way they passed by a huge fish tank. Guy A stopped to stare at a fish for a while and when asked by Guy B he said he could control the fish's mind by making the fish blink. Guy B could not believe his eyes when after one minute the fish really blink. As he stood there admiring Guy B, Guy B whispered: "Mind over matter" and went to the wash room. When Guy B reappeared from the wash room he saw Guy A still staring at the fish motionless but his mouth was opening and closing looking exactly like the fish in the tank.

Test Your Mind With Practical Experience

Theoretical knowledge is useful but is nothing when not applied or tempered with practical experience. It need to serve a useful purpose. Of what good if knowledge is not put to good use such that it does not provide the greatest benefit. Tim Berners-Lee invented and released his invention to public use so as to ensure it would become widespread. His invention was the World Wide Web. Learning new concepts or having a new idea is one thing but we will need to practice it, think through it and then finally to implement it. We have to work and execute the ideas.

Mighty Minds Like Oak

Oak trees are mighty and strong, among the strongest woods in the world. Even among oak trees there are stronger ones. The strongest ones are those that are left in the middle of the open fields totally unshielded by other trees or the forest. As a result of facing the fury of nature, they grow stronger than the rest. Products made from this can bear the heaviest load and are most durable. Tough challenges in life are like the elements of rough weather and strong winds and often offer opportunities that will force us to really stretch ourselves and expand our minds as we have to search for solutions or provide answers. When we are going through a difficult period in life, we must take solace that it is an important process of gaining strength from our struggles. Like clay going through a furnace. Be like oak and you will grow strong.

A Prized Asset

Your mind is the most valuable asset and possession more than anything else. It is your prized asset. You can loose everything you have like material possessions but the knowledge and wisdom you have acquired can never be taken away from you. You can think of new ideas, create a new business, earn a new fortune, live a new life. No one can control your mind and force you to think in certain ways if you refuse to accept. When your mind has a healthy appetite, feed it with positive food of constructive not destructive thoughts, take charge and you are in charge and in control. Only allow certain thoughts that are positive and powerful to dominate or linger in your mind.

Open Mind

Life's greatest opportunities often come disguised in small and ordinary packages. We are creatures of habit and may often let life happen to us. A closed mind will deny us new friends, new opportunities, new ways to do things. It can even stumble over great opportunities without knowing if we refuse to check out or try alternative possibilities. Stimulate your mind continuously. Even reading the newspapers is better than watching TV. Watching Discovery or National Geographic adds more value than a typical soap opera. A closed mind is like a parachute that remains closed. Can you imagine the consequences? The mind like a parachute functions best when opened. An open mind searches for and analyse things objectively seeking pure solutions leaving out all the prejudices, biases and your personal preference that will influence your judgement and decision. It is only through an open mind that one can perceive truths that are conveniently left out by others. Some people will dispute facts or revise them to support their own beliefs and preference ever unwilling to accept the truths to a point where they begin to believe themselves. This will lead to a situation where one accepts a false truth but despite it, you persuade yourself that it is okay. Fooling and tricking others are already bad enough but when yo begin to fool yourself persuading yourself to accept your own lies, it is the ultimate where one day disaster shall follow. This is the law of the universe.

Your Mind Is Your Personality

If you are basically a friendly, positive, cheerful, considerate, generous and confident person, family, friends and all people will be attracted to you as a result of your personality. Conversely, if you were to be selfish, negative, unhappy and unfriendly others will avoid you like the plague. Nobody can be happy all the time and if they were they may not amount to much. So even when you are simply feeling moody, try behaving in a more upbeat and positive mode and because you can use your mind to change the feeling you will soon be truly feeling better as we subvert our emotion that can be illogical. Create that personality now.


If you have a negative mind, you will attract more troubles. If I wrote the word "rubbish bin" on your face, what would happen? People will throw rubbish at you. The most important thing we look for a person as a friend or for professional employment is his/her attitude. Attitude addresses many other things. What your mind believes you will find a way to transform it into a reality sooner or later. If you think yourself as a failure or is useless then you are. The reverse can also be true if you are happy, think positive and is generally optimistic then better things are bound to happen to you. Eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with only positive ones. You can take precaution or be prudent when there are risks involved but do not allow the fear of failure to paralyse you. Think of it this way, you only put fresh food like fish, meat, poultry, fruits and juices into your refridgerator but you don't throw your rubbish there do you? So if you don't throw rubbish in your freaking fridge why throw rubbish in your mind?

Worry & Fear

Negative emotions can serve no purpose. They creep all over you when left unchecked. Worse, they get the better of you when they overwhelmed all positive emotions. When they take over your mind, they grow like garden weed filling you up with only bad vibes such that you can even begin to have doubts over your own ability and self worth. Feelings and emotions has no logic or reason so you had better control them or they will control you. The best way would be to take action. It may not be perfect but any action is better than none. In our mind, there is only one slot to put in something either positive or negative like clean water or dirty contaminated water. It has to be all clean and positive. Mixed contaminated with clean water and you will still get dirty water. Find time to help others, encourage and praise them when deserved. It is not good living a life full of complaints.


Nobody and nothing in this world can make you feel lousy, sad, angry, negative, inferior, afraid or angry without your permission. But there are psychos and sick people out there who are perverted and enjoys creating troubles and upsetting people or who will intentionally play you on your emotions so that they could make themselves look good or get you into trouble for their own benefit. The truth is that they can never succeed without you and how you would react. Simply understand that this person is having problems with himself and tell yourself that you will not allow this person to upset you as you are in control of yourself, your emotions and your life. You can't control other people or the weather but you can control your own reaction and choose not to be the lowest life form on earth. We should also be careful to note that we should always entertain our opinions with some measure of doubt. People should not just stick dogmatically to some philosophy. With your mind sharpened, it is not just a lethal weapon. It is powerful. Look at the fish in the tank straight in the eyes. Make it blink.


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