
We always hear stories about people and places. We heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another that you've been messing around. The talk is cheap when the story is good and the tales grow taller on down the line. That was what REO Speedwagon said. Watch: 

I say we'll just "Take It On The Run". 

The problem is it is never easy to get a group of people together. I should know as I used to organise golf trips to Batam and JB every month for 2-3 flights of golfing friends. That will be 8-12 people. So while hearing talk about this place and watermelons and durians I was thinking of a National Day song: "There was a time when people say we could not make it but we did".

Our Johorean friends took us to this restaurant in this rustic laid back area where you could only find in old days Singapore. Welcome to the Permas Seafood Village restaurant located in Permas Jaya in the North East of Johor right next to a 9-hole golf course.

There are sheltered spaces at the side and behind the air-conditioned portion an open space for your meals.

The back yard above is overlooking a fishing pond and further down, the sea facing Singapore. Quite a pretty view.

This tiny road leads to the fishing pond.

You can see the Senoko power station in the distant horizon.

We took time to inspect the food. This giant garoupa would have cost a whopper. 

The flat fish is an interesting fish. Besides having both eyes on top, they can bury themselves in the sand. You have the sole fish, the flounder or halibut. What are the differences? Halibut has squared corners and flat ends to their tails where as the rest have rounded tails. To find out, you can also stick your finger to their mouth and if you do not get bitten they are sole. Plus halibut can be huge. Have you heard the tale about the fisherman who caught a giant halibut who then granted him three wishes for it to be released? If you have not ask me when you see me because it cannot be brought to print.

Halibut has more substantial teeth. Looking at them I could not help but think that some of us humans are just like the flatfish - with both eyes on one side and you always see things from only one side, one angle - your side. This leads me to another thought - do some of us have brains on only one side? Hard to tell if some may actually have half a brain if at all, it has to be on one side. Maybe you can advertise it for sale: "One careful owner, seldom use and in mint condition".

Ah, clams and Geoduck. Geoduck is expensive but sweeter than lobster, especially eaten sashimi style. They actually look vulgar but looks are deceiving. There are vulgar-looking people who could be nice and proper and vice versa.

Finally, the first dish arrived. In Hokkien dialect we called it "see hum". Maybe because when some folks see it they start humming. It is see hum not see hump. These are cockles, giant cockles and not the usual type you may see in some wet markets where in the old days, hawkers just pour some hot water over to serve and you dip them with a special chilli sauce.

They were very good sashimi grade type. Texture and taste are completely different from their smaller cousins. Fresh, crunchy and very sweet. We had a nice vegetable and they told me what sounded like 青 龙. Sounded like Green Dragon?

This is a seafood type hor fun style "bee hoon" (vermicelli). Very well done because you do not see burned marks on the vermicelli yet you could taste the heat of the fire that went into it. The breath of the wok which we called "wok hei" in Cantonese.

Garoupa is a very good fish. A prize catch if you are a fisherman or angler. The difference between a good and great steamed fish is all about timing, just like in golf - perfect timing. For this dish, I felt that the fish meat was a wee bit tough. Harder than it should be. Was it the fish or the steaming? I thought perhaps it was a bit over steamed. Perhaps next time go for the deep fried or grilled sole fish with chilli. Maybe you get three wishes like the fisherman.

The next dish was to me the clincher. I noticed everyone was quiet while they were partaking. In essence, they were busy eating and enjoying there was no time to talk. So easy to read humans. These prawns are huge and cooked and flooded in a sauce that resembled chilli crab with a little twist. Finger-licking good. I thought I caught someone staring at my centre finger after I was done licking the index one. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. For some men, you have to aim a little lower.

The "man tou" (buns) came - both steamed and deep-fried. They were old school types which we probably won't find it here. Dipping it in the sauce gives you the grand finale. One bite into the prawn meat makes you think that you should have another.

Was told that the "Emperor Noodle" here is really good but since they did not have it on this day, we were recommended another - the "san min" but the style of cooking was unusual. It was not "flood" wet but it was more like "ponding" wet.

Finally, all good things must come to an end but it ain't over till the fat lady sings they say. Here comes the black pepper crabs. Black pepper is a great spice and crabs mostly taste good. What is your favourite style of crab? Steamed, cold, black pepper, white pepper, salted egg, creamy or chilli? 

The crabs were a little on the small side and I found some meat sticking to the shell. When crab meat sticks to the shells it is probably because they were overcooked. This was the only bug. Perhaps the fire was too strong?

When it was over, the table resembled a war zone. It was well cleaned up. We ought to be thankful that we humans are at the top end of the food chain. If you are a slow learner performing at some Sea World, you may end up as food at the restaurant. 

On a good day like this, even the table number looked great. They use to warn me that in this world, there is no such thing as a free lunch. I believe in it until today. My perception has changed a bit. A few more times and I'll be a convert, follower and fanatic. 

In the meantime, a word for my sponsor - Thank You! Thanks also to those who took time, thanks to the drivers, thanks to the vehicle commanders who just sat in front and did next to nothing. We were filled to the brim with food and beer.

Then our friends from Johor came marching in to present us with durians for desserts. Once the first one was  plonked down onto the table, there was no looking back. In the old days, I used to hear of talk that there are people who died after eating durians and drinking alcohol. Then some others said it should not be mixed with hard liquor only. It has really never been proven. Nobody has died from hardwork too, why try your luck? Till now, I think none of us has been found un-alive.

Two more came fast and furious.

It was a durian fest. I personally like these smaller durians. They were the original kampung durians I grew up with. 

It was so good that I didn't know I was modelling for durians until later. Fortunately I did not do anything shameless. Did I make eating durian looks so good? 

One day, I'll become a hand or finger model. Like the last guy in the "Zohan" clip:

But seriously, if you had been eating durians for many years you will know there are the sweet types and also the bitter sweet ones which I prefer. Then there are some that taste like alcohol. To be exact like whisky. Not just whisky but single malt whisky. These are my favourite. Perhaps we could start a D13, D24 or Mao San Wang whisky distillery?

What was the highlight of the day? A couple of  guys sworn by the "see hum". Almost all unanimously voted for the prawns but the dessert - the durians were fantastic. We had some packing up to do.

There were watermelons too. Thanks to our friends in Johor. Malaysia Boleh! Singapura pun boleh!

It was a very fruitful day!

A Great harvest so to speak. The highlight of the day was really the companionship. The camaraderie. Thanks for the memory. The story was not over. Now I have to open a few durians. Like a pro, I took a knife and a cloth. Beat the durian to blunt the thorns, place a folded cloth over it with the durian on the floor. Use that knife to prise open at the middle of the bottom by twisting it and when the edges begin to open, jack them up and bingo! If you just look at the shadow it could have been a Alfred Hitchcock movie.

We made some juice extract.

And also ate the melons.

Cold water melon juice is great especially on hot days.

I like to thank my sponsor from the heart of my bottom. Well, we have to try something the first time. I shall not be naming names here so as to protect the innocent, the not so innocent, the completely guilty and the downright shameless.


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