The End Is Near!

The first time I heard about the end of the world, it was a song. Nice song by Skeeter Davis:

Is this a statement "The End Is Near?" or a question "The End Is Near?" (Apocalypto)

(Highlight link, right click and click "Go to")

The ancient Mayan calendar comes full cycle after 5,125 years on 21 December 2012. Some are suggesting that is their prediction of the end of the world. Or was it just an expression that it is just the beginning of a new cycle? Many cults have predicted often times about such calamities and these heightened during phases of war years or when there were global tragedies like a super earthquake or tsunami and I received tracts proclaiming that during the War  years. These dates have since been revised many times. Haha. (2012)

However, there were signs that things are not quite right with our beloved earth. Earth shattering earthquakes from more places in Japan, China, Indonesia. Tsunamis that hit Phuket, Palembang, Maldives, Colombo, Samoa. Deadly typhoons in the Philippines and Taiwan. Forest fires in the USA and Australia. Floods in Europe, etc.

Coastal flooding, hunger, malaria, water borne diseases and water shortage afflicting millions will increase exponentially. Singapore could see a 1 metre rise in sea levels which could be significant. Extreme weather - greenhouse warming will cause Atlantic hurricanes to be more intense with higher rates of rainfall. Impacts of hurricanes and typhoons will be exacerbated by higher sea levels. (Haeundae)

Increased heatwaves will result in deaths, forest fires and destruction to ecosystem. More drought will turn arable and habitable land to desert, dust storms will be created (already happened in China and Australia), rising sea levels due to melting ice and thermal expansion of water will result in severe flooding, small island nations in the Pacific could be wiped out. Decreased snow and shrinking glaciers reduced stream flow as already happened in the Andes. (Hereafter)

Reduced growing seasons and farming areas, fod-rich river deltas would be destroyed, farmland could become useless. Increased threat of diarrhoea, infectious diseases due to floods and droughts, rising coastal waters temperatures lead to cholera, ecosystems would be destroyed, crop yields like maize and wheat will decrease by 40 percent and rice yields could go down by 30 percent. Tropical cyclones get more intense and destructive, droughts occurring twice as frequent. 

NASA and the European Centre for Nuclear Research do not think so. Do you feel assured or do you still feel jittery? The Mayan's 5,125 year cycle known as the Long Count in the Mayan Calendar comes to a close. The movie 2012 stirred up interest on this perennial subject. One woman was wondering if she should kill herself, her daughter and her unborn baby and another was pondering whether to put her dog to sleep to avoid the suffering.

People are often mesmerised by the infinite scale of the cosmos, the exotic and mysterious ancient past. This Earth, this World is fragile and indeed temporal. We are already seeing great earthquakes when will these things happen - sooner or later? The Mayans were very solid astronomers and time keepers but their calendar is just being cyclical? Are all these manufactured fantasy? Is Doomsday Really Coming?

Some may have turned into doomsday preppers and freaks and they believe that the planet Nibiru will crash onto Earth. Others remain defiant or nonchalant. Some just sit down and drink their beers. Most are none the wiser. So what can we do about it? What will you do if the world really was to end soon? It depends on what you think of most in your mind. Some folks only think about sex others always think about money so they will grab what they want most to go with them. It is like asking what is the only thing you would grab if your house were on fire.

Well, if you survived pass 21 December, Christmas is just round the corner. The festive season will be here followed by the New Year. Time for shopping and parties again even though the mood may be some what dampened and sombre due to the global slowdown. Down your Christmas spirit of the alcoholic kind.

I think we should all take a moment from the hustle and bustle of life to show some warmth and kindness this season and to share with those less fortunate because a simple act of kindness can change a life forever. For it is truly even more blessed to give than to receive. Cut some slack and spread some love.

Imagine walking around and you see many people carrying banners "Repent! The End Is Near!" This may or may not happen. The end of the world may or may not come now but live your life right and have no regrets. Do not harm others. Fear God if you are willing. Then you are ready and have nothing to worry.

What it will also mean is that there will be no more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain. Where everyone will realise that we are all equal after all. What society painted and what you imagine to be important are in reality not. That there will be fairness and justice would be a given since unfairness and injustice arose out of bias and prejudice of the human heart and the strife that ensued. Maybe there is such a thing as Judgement Day? Maybe our life would be played out like a movie a "Director's Cut" version. How would we fair? Live your life like it were a movie. (This is the link to a previous article):

21 December 2012 could be the last TGIF! you will receive, so in the meantime, pledge all your money to my name. Don't worry, you'll never get out of this world alive! I assure you I will be back for 28 December's TGIF!! Just be aware that if you get too carried away or are not careful, "the world" may not end yet but "your world" will. More like the sky falls on you. Before a birth of joy, there must be labour pain. At every end, there is a new beginning.

Here is the great voice of Adele:

The end  is nigh! 


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