Happy New Year To A New Beginning!

In the wink of an eye, a bat of the eyelid 2012 is drawing to a close but nothing is over until the fat lady sings. Then it is curtains.

It has been a tough year in most parts of the world but in Singapore we are left rather unscathed economically or by the fury of nature. Whatever complaints we have are but just whimpers. We ought to be grateful. Singaporeans were reported to be emotionless, unhelpful and then among the world's most unhappy. Are we really all these? While such surveys and samples may not be accurate, there may be some truths in them so we should evaluate and reflect and of course they haven't met my friends and I. We are so full of different emotion, help you even when you don't need help or before you ask and are mostly happy and merry. Well, some of us are in the Merry time industry.

Whatever it is, there is a thing called hope so do not despair. After every storm there is a calm. You could even catch a rainbow. Do not worry unless there is an eerie calm then perhaps the zombies have taken over. All things shall come to pass. Let there be a new beginning. Every door that closes, a new door opens. In fact, there is reason to believe that the future is bright! So put on your sunglasses!

The future is clean (look at the hair) because we can start on a clean slate. Use a new broom as new broom sweeps clean. For golfers, they are soon going to ban usage of broom stick putters because you could have been mistaken for maintenance crew sweeping the greens. 

The future is now! Time to start living. Life is happening to you while you are busy making other plans. The future is you because what each of us do combined together would be what the world would be. Look at the nostrils, they could breath fire! 

Each of us are no less than the stars or the trees and you can be a star in your own right just like this flower but you will need to be able to see it and when you discover it you must still have the humility to remain rooted because there are other parts to a plant - the leaves, the stem, the roots or there will be no flower to bloom.

We are always thinking, talking or planning to have a resolution list.  I say forget it, crumble it and throw it away in the waste paper bin. What makes you think that what you haven't done in one year or the years before you can suddenly start doing it just because it is January 1? You could have 10-50 items there. Or what you should have done but never got down to. Don't make yourself miserable. Don't be Les Miserables. 

I would propose that you take it one thing at a time using baby steps on a daily basis. Reflect on what you have done for the day. Did you do things right? Or did you stop doing something when you should have? Did you hurt some one? Betray another? Caused troubles instead of being a peacemaker. Are you finding love at all the wrong places? Been a selfish fool? Always gossiping and causing bad blood among people? Bear false testimony. Did you take things that do not belong to you? Have you said something nice today. Or are you the person who make others feel suicidal after listening to you? Perhaps you are the person who after people listened to you, regretted not killing you earlier? Some folks may even feel stronger that you should be strangled at birth. Haha.

Whatever. Offer yourself a clean slate. Everyday is a new dawn. An opportunity to do something good. Why wait for a year to make a useless list when you can do a useless list everyday? Just kidding. Just do one good thing and remove one bad thing each day. Come 31 December 2013, you will be thanking me for you would have improved on 365 things and removed 365 bad things. By then, if still nobody loves you except your mother or your dog I shall offer something more potent. Remember, in life there are no dress rehearsals. Try to do it right the first time.

I can hear the fat lady crooning from a near distance. 


Learn from the past, look to the future and live for the present. I wish you and your family a Happy New Year! Best Wishes! May a thousand flowers bloom for you!


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